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AuthorHow I Saved LWM(and the West) From Extinction
What happened to real writers like Tolkien ?
lol seriously ??!!! G.R.R.M is like ten times better than tolkien. the very plot shows it, dun u feel !!!
Nice troll, it takes a lot more to catch me off-guard ;o)
Tolkien is awesome LoTR is a testimony to that..but you can't take credit away from Martin.. I am totally loving A Song of Ice and Fire..
am not denying tolkien is good. i am just saying GRRM is quite much better.
^ GRRM is not 'much' better than Tolkien, he's not even 'better' than Tolkien
All fantasy writers are mere footstools to the great Tolkien. That's just the way it is.
lol seriously?!! just cos he has more fans and popularity does not mean he is greater. GRRM is not established like tolkien. but, sure much better than him and soon the world will know it too !!! but damn he is undenyably slow
Tolkien revived fantasy genre and started the modern fantasy genre. Hence he is called the father of modern fantasy. His works more often than not give precedence to fiction over realism whereas Martin prefers realism over fiction. You cannot really compare both writers. Both brought something new. Both have impressive ways of storytelling and both are genius. Comparing them is like comparing apples amd oranges.

Although personally I prefer ASOIAF over LoTR for its complexity and realistic nature :)
His works more often than not give precedence to fiction over realism whereas Martin prefers realism over fiction. You cannot really compare both writers. Both brought something new. Both have impressive ways of storytelling and both are genius. Comparing them is like comparing apples amd oranges.

completely agree

Although personally I prefer ASOIAF over LoTR for its complexity and realistic nature :)Although personally I prefer ASOIAF over LoTR for its complexity and realistic nature :)

so u too like the way martin does it ;)

if u hav anymore probbs lets duel it out !!!!
like the way martin does it ;)

The story isn't even finished yet lol. I enjoy the plot though I'll judge him once he completes his story. :)

And lets stop hijacking this thread else everyone of us would get a taste of banhammer!
This thread is a "creative work" in itself !
*ban-free zone*
*ban-free zone*

Huzzah! But seriously out of courtesy lets stop this debate and discuss about OP's story
:P new topic created to discuss bout ASOIAF
Come on Modi mate! Expecting the reveal more of my conversation with Putin
this is not funny now.
am i the only non - gOT watcher here? -.-
from *very good* to *sort of ok*
Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman (many very good books)
Robin Hobb (many very good books)
some others
Tolkien (a few very good books)
Modi (argh... finish the ffing story!)
many, many others
George R.R. Martin (a few good books... and a lot of boring crap)
am i the only non - gOT watcher here? -.-
nope, you're not ;)

Is Modi still alive?
Is Modi still alive?
Nope. Putin got him. He didn't like the whole idea of "saving the west from extinction"...
i am in a portal battle with Modi now... this must mean he is still alive
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