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Authorarena of creatures
+1 only if creatures have luck and morale and different attack,defence etc.
+1..nice idea :)
btw it'll also be more awesome if they sometimes include special event creatures (new year animals, infantry, halloween creature, etc)

those creatures have eccentric stats :D
+1 sareth
if thats the case, then it will be solely dependent on triggers and nothing else.

If by "triggers" you mean morale bursts and etherial misses and other special abilities then what's wrong with that? I think zombies against golems are totally boring.

There is now way to predict behavior of creatures if their positions will be random

You don't need to go that far. Just use the same random splitting and positioning used in hunts. Could be huge difference between griffins spawning in two huge stacks or 5 smaller stacks.
You don't need to go that far. Just use the same random splitting and positioning used in hunts. Could be huge difference between griffins spawning in two huge stacks or 5 smaller stacks.
u wont be able to split stacks, it will auto battle with auto split.
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-12-23 17:32:39 // LR#9//If you have nothing to say to the point,refrain from leaving messages in this forum thread.
u wont be able to split stacks

I was talking about these:

50 vampires, 3 stacks:

50 vampires, 4 stacks:

Game splits hunts randomly, as you probably already know...
this idea is really awesome..
+1 To this idea, random splitting, and random parameters. Good idea.
35 archliches vs 40 senior genies vs 25 sphynx mummies vs 50 druids

Linchs and druids will fight against each other, genies will curse people for 2 turns in arrow, mummies will follow to closest range enemy.
On turn 2, mummies will enter on somebody range, which will shoot him instead.
on turn 3, genies will block the other range creature, by the size of creature, I'm pretty sure he'll go for the archlinch.
On turn 4, the druids will be eaten by mummies, the archlinch will put decay on genies and both will finish their target off.
Some turns later, genies will have to fight mummies with great loses from decay, while mummie can raise heself.

So, mummie wins.

Like DEATHisNEAR said, it could be easily predicted.
I vote +1 for this feature, it will be funny to watch, but without any stacks included.
if some admins could watch this and make some resolution
Player banned by moderator Lord STB until 2014-01-29 17:52:37 // LR9 / If you have nothing to say to the point, please refrain from leaving messages. (No bumping allowed.)
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