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Author25th Minor Tournament
Before merge, i tried 2* mixed tournaments
I wanted to say 2 * minor tournaments.
you should see this guy
amazing stats
level 6 dwarf with fsp 5 and TG 1
still, i am lucky to win this guy. really really lucky
never imagine i would meet someone with this kinfd of stats
for Karsot:
nobody forced you to make your fsp/exp bad by losing so many battles before, as well as nobody forced you to take part in this tournament. after all, it is all your choice, and others' choice to play.
Never saw such a stupid post...+it comes from 1 member of my military clan, really makes me sad.
I don't like the way you are speaking to me, sound to me like an insult, and i hate insults.

i got FSF/XP as good as i could, i worked a huge time on it.
But i'm an old player, i got most of my HG points on same monsters again and again, making a lots of 6.5k XP/0.5FSP battles...everyone who started the game early knows how it was.
As for my win/loss ratio, try min AP thief guild, try to set up new hunt records, try to run into challenging battles instead of going only for easy wins, and we will speak of it OK?

My FSP/XP is nothing exceptionnal but it's correct, and at least in average of other players of my level. And it should allow me to have fair battles against players of my level. I don't claim gold medal with 20-0, i just want some fair battles, i would be glad to end tournament at 12-8 with no rewards.

For the 2nd point of your argument, well sorry but it's as stupid at 1st one.

In old server, lots of players tried their chances in these tournaments, some with hopes for victory, a lot of others only for fun.
Now, all players here for fun are gone, only high level competitors remains.

I feel bad about it and would like good old tournaments where all the gamers community are welcome, not only the top 5% characters of each levels...and you just answer that if i'm not happy i can leave...
yeah nice mentality, really.
I'm glad i don't know lots of people like this IRL, i would have very few friends.
for Karsot:
if you feel insulted, that is just because it is a replica of the way you used.
i'm an old player too, what you had experienced is not unfamiliar to me. still, i and many of my old .com friends fight hard in the mt and many of them got good result via great effort, which is said "unfair" by you. dont you think it is an insult to everyone who has struggled or are struggling in this?
the fact of fsp gap you stated is not false, but i dont like the attitude you treat it and comments on it, thats all.

btw, check the ew clan and you will see lots of my clanmates (and yours in the same time) are doing very well in this tournament, they had suffering considerable many loses in the beginning, but now they are winning, and you are a deserter.
As for my win/loss ratio, try min AP thief guild, try to set up new hunt records, try to run into challenging battles instead of going only for easy wins

here comes a cruel fact of this game: with current game design you just can't enjoy everything. It depends on what you want: PVP or PVE, it's sad but you somehow have to make a choice.

And maybe you can try chaos DE instead of mighty DE? as far as I know, they perform much better in the MT. Also why don't you wear a little more AP in TG in order to increase winning rate as well as overall exp/fsp? why not raise some anti-fsp level while you have so much gold in hand? Why don't you join clan defense which gives good amount of fsp and great exp/fsp ratio and a lot of fun?

What I am trying to say is that there are a lot ways to increase your character's strength without loss of fun. Why don't you make your character the OP one? Whining on the forum does not do anything.

RevRebel is being sarcastic, but he's got some good points.
oh niiiiice, better and better every time you post.
just find a single post of me where i said that DU players with high FSP should not be allowed to play.
I just regret that normal players don't feel they are welcome in this kind of tournaments anymore, and when i hear people like you talking, i understand why they left.
I explained it twice, once in each post, but it seems that you still didn't understood it....

As for me being a "deserter", yay this isn't an insult, of course.
I don't play 10h/daily like an hardcore gamer to catch the FSP gap as soon as possible, so i'm a deserter...yeah nice mentality again guy, and sorry to have an IRL life.
But you really made me think of become a deserter and search for an other military clan, with respectfull people, not like you...
I won't leave the clan because hopefully lots of our clan mates are not like you, but you really gave me a good reason to leave here.

Now i will just stop answer to you, feel free to write anything else about me i don't care.
I don't want this thread to turn into a personnal war between you and me.
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-12-11 21:37:30 // Long string violation (warning)
FSP gap is really unfair for old .com players. I don't see any point why people cannot even complain.

What I am trying to say is that there are a lot ways to increase your character's strength without loss of fun.
It is true, but why should I work hard to just catch others? Why .ru players doing the same thing have much better fsp/exp ratio?
FSP gap is really unfair for old .com players. I don't see any point why people cannot even complain.

yes, FSP gap is really annoying, but I don't think that's what he's been complaining.

The real trouble is that, after so many years, normal players have lost their interest to MT and CG because it's too frustrating. So the competition is becoming stronger and stronger.
i spent a lot of time and effort to have fsl 10 at CL13, and i had the same opportunities to get it as all other level 13 .com players.

so dont say that it "isnt fair" , because it is.
Out of these 20 battles, i usually got at least 15 players with power close to mine, and won them by a better gameplay, and my few losses were to some smart players who played better than me, and a few diamond players, but not more than 1 or 2 out of 20 battles.

oh and back to this point:

in old .com, there are barely any update. So whenever there is a PVP tournament, most people would like to play, just for fun -- because we are bored.

but here in .ru, it's different. PVP tournament is hold almost monthly, and there are a lot PVE activities as well. So people have a choice. PVE players who generally have lower FSP would rather not play because it is too frustrating. And those who are interested in PVP have to choose their battle style to gain more fsp and less exp. It's sad but we have to accept it.
for Karsot:
dont wory. be more optimistic. before merge i was pretty strong player in com. in survival tournaments almost unbeatable, but there was hudge celebrations if there were more than 9 partipicant. my stats were standart for level 13 com player: 8 fsp main faction, tg4, mg4. I feld hugde diconfort about that. but when i look at my char now i think it almost has no diference from ru players. i manage to get more victories than defeats in this minor and im happy about it:)
The FSP gap is profound and unfair for many .comers.

The good news is that the admins had a single important update to adjust for it: experience penalty proportional to high FSP.

The bad news is that it take a few tournaments for FSP monsters to level up and lose their advantages. It can be a long time because naturally some players fight exclusively for tournaments and gain several medal on their "privileged" level. But with the experience penalty we are at least on the right track.
for Karsot:

I got 16 wins and 4 losses, unlikely to get anything in return because i saw 20/20 players, but that's my first minor experience and lots of fun.

I reckon that there is an unfair fsp gap between us and .ru players. being fsp-9 at level 11, it was very common to see a lot of .ru attendants of this tourney at fsp-9 but with fsp 3-4 for every other factions. Sadly as a .com player i have almost nothing for other factions except for 2 for Barbarians and in this sense i suffered great disadvantage against them.

But fsp gap isn't everything, I managed to win at Elf9+BB2 against somebody at BB9+Elf4 (and this is his only loss), I also managed to win at Elf9+Demon0 over some overwhelming black demons at Demon9+Elf3. There were frustrating losses when I could match nobody with Knight8+Elf0, I tried hard but lost twice against knights since I played worse than them. So beside fsp gap, I somehow realized that skills to play could overall compensate for that. With good play it is easy to win somebody who has a fsp advantage over you.
I got 16 wins and 4 losses, unlikely to get anything in return because i saw 20/20 players

Medal is nt possible but u'll surely get incentive in return...
any idea, who got most wins in lev 14 ?
if 19 is max, i might get a MEDAL *cool*
ouch, i lost 4 :(
so max should be 18 ... hmm
56: There's a necro with a perfect score. Look at http://lgnd.ru/mt25/rating/lvl/14
i agree with Karsot. the one and only way to play a fair tourney is at the level where DU upgrade is not available
Even at lower level,some player started all over again after hunt gives us 1 instead of 0.5 FSP.
its really unfair to the older player(mostly forgotten multi) when everyone you meet have FSP almost equivalent to their CL and some even TG1 at level 6.
I joined these tourney to have some fun and gain some experience beside killing boredom because I knew i would have really low chances to get a medal, and i didn't come for that purpose.
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