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AuthorFaraway Plot
The shaman clearly works with the Empire, either as a spy or by following a clear plan of action. Either way his purpose was to influence Ur'Khan actions towards the barbarian tribes.

The questions is: Why does the Empire want Ur'Khan to attack the barbarian tribes one at a time and not a full out war?

If you have 2 enemies near your borders (barbarian tribes and the great tribal Khans), you would want them to fight each-other, keep them weak. Unless you secretly negotiate some kind of treaty with one of them (the barbarian tribes) ;)
we tie him up, we beat him down, burn him, boil him in a spicy oil filled cauldron, cut his ears off, pull his eyes out, break his limbs, stick some fingers in his eyes, pull his tongue out and keep torturing him endlessly and incessantly until he starts speaking and telling us everything there is to know about these hordes of marauders.

Add this guy as a new unit to those Barbarian Alt-Faction ! =)
arent u too cruel? :D
arent u too cruel? :D

You got only the word "Cruel" to represent all those activities ? :P
oh, Navi, my good old friend! you and and your promises of fun... I can see you still think of me in your sado-masoc dreams. how sweet ^^

btw, I shall reveal nothing! NOTHING!!
i think this forum should rename to Angel and demons dialoges :D
Why should we torture a fellow mate (besides the fun of it), when we can look for that raven and shot it down?
Or even better, let's ride towards Ur'Khan land and have a talk with his shaman :D
I shall reveal nothing! NOTHING!!

what secrete lies behind this word " NOTHING!!" ;)
what secrete lies behind this word " NOTHING!!" ;)

uh... it means I know nothing. so I couldn't reaveal anything even if I wanted to. sorry.
in fact, I know so little about what's going on, that odds are Naviron knows more than me. so maybe we should be torturing him :p
Nice evasion action... but between a Warlock naviron and a Syrian Khan, tell me who sounds more like is having something to do with "The Great Tribal Khans"? Who sounds more like a member of the Ur'Khan and Mok'Khan family? That a brainer!

I say lads, cut his liver out, he won't need it nomore! And finish sticking those big needles in his eyes, faster, faster, let's get this done with... what? did I hear a whisper?...
Can I say something or this treat is only for A&D members? :p

I think we will have a war between tribals and barbs; and we will have 3 vs 3 battles but the "Empire" team will have 2 players and 1 AI ally (barb?) vs 3 AI (tribal?)
I don't get this..
How can Empire even CONSIDER to get to war against (or with) Barbarians/alt barbarians when we get attacked every singel DAY by the Survilurgs, while its obvious that Survilurgs aren't those new attackers (not in the story line), so how can one attack their borders while an other enemy is within our lands attacking us?

Survilurgs can't be those barbarians/al barbarians because we face mage's/knight/elf etc?

Or am I missing something?
maybe barbarians will aid us against survilurgs in exchange for our aid against tribals :)
Heros will take sides , either with the Tribals , or original barbarians. And war will be waged in specific areas in the map
maybe barbarians will aid us against survilurgs in exchange for our aid against tribals :)

If I read it correctly, I don't think any of those 2 factions (wich ever they would be) aren't in any position to aid us against the Survilurgs because they're to bussy fighting eachother.
And we can't help some faction we don't "know" because we are fighting our own battle's and Empire is wounded (after 2 months getting our asses kicked without a retaliation).

The story has to be REALLY convincing in order for Empire to suddenly strike hard at an OTHER enemy. Empire (we) would be to weak to do anything after our struggle with Survilurgs.

If you ask me, this is a story in a LONG run and something we shouldn't look forward to, it can be it take's another month(or more) for anything happens (as with the Survilurgs).
Hear(in game) Monarchy is followed so we may not allowed to choose sides.So we have to follow whatever Empire decides.

I don't know how tribal joined the empire after the war against them .I assume it goes the same way with the alt tribal.

But as the barbs have successfully defended the alt-tribal,Our Empire may take there assistance in countering the attack of alt-tribal on empire.

At the end Empire welcomes both the factions to join :D
If you ask me, this is a story in a LONG run and something we shouldn't look forward to, it can be it take's another month(or more) for anything happens (as with the Survilurgs).

From the very first page of the 'Official announcements' forum section with the span of 1-5 days of the release of the story there is a Event/Update news :D
i wonder if the new barb hero will have a sword or a staff XD
i wonder if the new barb hero will have a sword or a staff XD

Axe and spiked shield, maybe
alt heroes only have color difference,they have everything else the normal hero does
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