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AuthorBlindFold Tournament- Battle Reports
23 points 7 battles
Any tribal of level 6??
mine 4 battles - 7 points

i m being attacked by 2 or 3 at a time :'(
17 from 5:)
pffff, 12 points:6 battles =}
anyone else play from the southern hemisphere?
we cant play during the mornings here. :(
seems a little unfair the tournaments are not available for us to play at convenient times to us? getting through 15 battles at two hours a piece will be hard enough without a handicap on times. :(
Well i am in india so for me I am available the whole day with 30 min gaps
Played = 6
Points = 24

so far so good =)
LOL tribals are weak. really weak.
I am 12 out of 6
for kushagra5:
Its not that tribals are weak,
its just that we get target first because its difficult to target us later once we gain enough spirit.
can any one explain y my xbows gained independence but only one stack from the whole game plus i didnt use any ale or the other potion
18 points 4 battles is that good ???
18 points 4 battles is that good ???

You go in these way.. and you will end up having 1st or 2nd :)
well lets hope so, if i get enough battles in :)
wow started one with 4 elves with a 90% trophy, needles to say it was my shortest battle :)
is it normal to get more experience than the winner or the second player??
^Yes.The exp you receive is based on how much dmg you do,not your position.
oh ok, position only affects score then=), wasnt counting on making a big score anyway tho=P
everyone seems to hate shrews lol
Played 12
Points 39
for post 50:
can any one explain y my xbows gained independence but only one stack from the whole game plus i didnt use any ale or the other potion
if you wait with your troops for some turns, they declared independence and move or attack.
sorry for double post:
if you wait with your troops for some turns, they declared independence and move or attack. it is done only for this kind of tourney
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