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AuthorElves faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
for zephyr_pro:
Wat i told at post 28 was very simple. if u don't get it then its ok i explain it to u....

i told that battle fury works well for creatures having short attacking range but i also forgot to say that they should have high count. let us take wolf raiders and unicorns as example
wolf's range is 2-3 while uni's 10-20.
considering the attack of these 2 creatures to be equal to the defense of target then,
min dmg of 7 uni(at lvl9)=70
min dmg of uni with battle fury=77
difference shown=7
wolf(50) min dmg=100
wolf min dmg with battle fury=150
difference shown=50
hence it is seen that short range creature make the most of battle fury
ofc u can say that efk having short range can benefit battle fury which is true but comparing elf with other factions, other factions use more short range creatures than elf
barb use hob wolf and orcs
demons use spawns incs wolf
de prisoner shrews mino
for knights not so useful
for elf only efk and they don't use sprites

so using fury only for efk is senseless

your logic is...... I have no words to comment it.....
next time take guardians and angels as your example, you will find some surprise :D
for zephyr_pro:
I don't get why u bring guardians and angels into this. weren't u suggesting talents to some lvl7 or 8 player?
Also we r discussing the usefulness of bf for elves. y bring other faction into this. i already told u most of the other faction benefit more from fury than elves.
and about the angels i think u didn't read my post 35 properly.
i had said fury helps creatures with short range and high count. u don't get high count of angels so the difference shown is less so no surprise thr for me.
Batle fury is a amazing talent, at least for me it works better that rally.
for elfmaniac:

Battle fury has nothing to do with damage range. it's just a matter of unit count and basic damage.

comparing unicorn with wolf is meaningless at all, and I see no problem with zephyr_pro's logic.

whether choosing BF or not depends on what you use as primary damage dealer and what kind of battle you are involved (hunt, mg quest or pvp are very different).
If you use EFK and/or sprite as your primary damage dealer, then BF is a MUST unless you have BETTER talent to choose for tactical reason.

However if you use shooters and/or unicorn as damage dealer then BF is less effective.

And BF is not useful on unicorn is not because its long damage range, but their low number.
um has any one got any tips for playing as a lvl 6 elf ?
what exactly you want to know? Tips for which case? can u be a bit more specific?
i am voting for luck
Ahh sorry, i havn't played in ages.
just tips on which units to use and how to use them ?
like should split the bowmen up into 2 groups
should i use lightning with druids first or just stick to normal attacking with them?
if that makes sence
so just tips for using them in battle mostly
for shadowtree:
use stone skin with druids on fk,
sometimes is usefull to split druids
which recruiting will be good for elf to play ST's at lvl 3 and 4 ?
for wsb
simple take the most fk then faeries and then take elven bow :)
for elfran:
ahh okay thanks
should i use spirits or FK ?
i split up the druids an that helped
what about bowmen ? should i split them up or keep them together ?

for shadowtree:
sprites are good in hunts against creatures with low speed and ini(especially with battle fury)
about bowmen
if you fight against player with archers it's usefull to split bowmen
Battle fury has nothing to do with damage range
hmmm... could someone give me a few pointers on how to beat barbarians on lv 11. Im having some extreme difficulty figuring out how to beat them. 50 orcs can easily beat 30 gmb with cyclops backing them up. leftover gmb, even with luck+crit, cant kill enough of those pesky orc chiefs. druids are pretty much useless as shooters.. cant move efk into attack position without running risk of 11 roc pwning the crap out of them. plus waiting stack of 72 wolfs prevents putting anything in thier range. Im all out of ideas..... plus trees are very little help. The only thing that could possibly beat them is holy build, but i dont feel like changing to holy just to beat barbs. So tips on how to beat them with might build would be greatly appreciated.
I kno i am D.E but..

Tell me how to beat Elf at lev 6? .. thx =]
try some magic...elf will be certainly in pressure...with only might in level 6 its tough to beat elf...
for Seiran_1045:use MH rings, they give ini to your hero, so you can cast magic arrow before bowmen attack
what strategies are there when you are duelling any faction?

how can we win in duels?
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