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AuthorRoulette Discussion Thread
That is why roulette in this game is misguided, it reduces the number of players, and therefore also the number of donates.

If we did not have roulette I suspect the online count will have a lot higher average

while this is true and pertiinent, we'd all of us like a more active game.. it ignores the people who donate real money and waste it on roulette.

i've never bought a diamond, but i still earn the admins money by skinting the guys who do by diamonds ..

admins want gold out of public economy.. possibly for some awesome new economic system of the future, which we've been told is the truth .. or perhaps just to make players poor/think abt resort to diamonds

really if you spend real money on this game THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING .. this is the internet, why not upgrade your pc/internet connection instead and download or buy another game, a free one or a packaged one, and play that instead..

it's just such a bad thing to spend your money on.. and nobody thinks "wow how good is he, he has upgrade creatures a level early" its more like "lol what a waste of money" or "this level is unfair, thx devs, cant wait til next lev when things fair again"

honeslty, the core of this game is not creative drive and <3 for players/community/gaming, it's two russians rinsing someone elses format for money .. this being their secondary project ..

stop giving them money and think about what else you might like to buy

You're just jealous that some people have so much money that they can afford to donate to the Russians! Man, if I was Donald Trump I'd give the admins a few thousand bucks just so I have browser game to play on my coffee breaks. XD
I knew a man who once said''There are endless supply of fools in this game'':)
ooo...i sense some aggression here....
i dont knw why everyone says dont play it when you are sapose to be talk about Roulette strategies, methods, tactics, advices and etc
because that falls under Roulette advices:P

Don't worry soon someone will talk about Roulette betting methods..
i think it would be roulette opinions not advice
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // As per requested by poster]
Well , I'm using such method as "titanic" (1-2-3). I hope everyone knows sad story , that is connected with this ship , because it is the same : you win or you loose :/

Ok , that method is based on playing on dozens. Using this way of playing will bring you 7/10 won spins :) (I hope at least :D).
You play only 6 spins in a row (!!!) , increasing your bet everytime. I suggest to bet not big amounts (more effectivly). In example I will write you , as if I place as the first be 1k.

First spin: you place 1k on the dozen , that won the last spin (at least I do so). If you win , profit will be 2k.

Second spin: if you lose , then you place your bet on the dozen that won the spin. You place the same 1k (profit 1k).

Third spin: --/-- , you place your bet on the same (!!!) dozen as in the second , but you place 2k (profit 2k).

Fourth spin: --/-- , you place your bet on the dozen , that won the last spin (And you will place other 2 bets on the same dozen) and you place 3k (profit 2k).

Fifth spin: --/-- you place 4k (profit 1k)

Sixth spin: --/-- you place 6k (profit 1k)

If you won NOTHING , then you just be patient and start a new game of 6 spins. (because after loosing 17k increasing the amount will be unnecessary).

It is really helpful for these , that just are newbies in roulette playing :)
Sry , my fault :/ can someone delete post 48?) thx :)
I like your method Darkcanis and I think it is good but I wouldn't recommend it on the long run..
for coolahed:
Of course , it is just "for the start" , let's say...

Just making sure the newbies get informed^^
I've had my ups and down in roulette. When I play by a system, and stick to it, I win in the long run. But when I make wild bets in the hopes of hitting the big one and getting rich, I tend to lose. The problem with playing it safe is that it takes a severe dedication to watching roulette for hours on end, recording the numbers rolled, and calculating probability, while watching for patterns (It IS, after all, a string of numbers determined via the use of an algorithm, which means there IS a structural format to the numbers, even if it seem random). The problem with taking risky bets is that, well, they're risky.

I have a few roulette tips located on my profile, but they are mainly to remind me what to do and what not to do. I am not suggesting I am an expert in the field, so take what you see with a grain of salt. :-)

As to "playing it safe", here is an example:

Split 0-00: 340 = payout of 6120
Street 1-3: 510 = payout of 6120
Sixline 4-9: 1020 = payout of 6120
Sixline 10-15: 1020 = payout of 6120
Sixline 16-21: 1020 = payout of 6120
Sixline 22-27: 1020 = payout of 6120
Sixline 28-33: 1020 = payout of 6120
Street 34-36: No bet = Lose 5950

The nice part about this is the odds: You have a 35/38 chance of winning 170, and only a 3/38 chance of losing it all.
You can also put up to 169 extra on any one bet, to increase the payout if one of those numbers comes up, while diminishing the overall return on any other number.
Lastly, you can pick any street of numbers to be your NO BET slot, so if you really think it's NOT going to land on 1, 2, or 3, you can drop that street bet and put in on 34-36 instead.

The bad part about this is the payout. Are you really willing to risk 5950 gold for a return of 170, while taking the risk of losing it all? You would have to win 35 times in a row just to cover 1 loss.

This is only one example. There are many other ways of maximizing your odds of winning a small amount.
A really simple one is this:

1st column: 100 = payout 300
2nd column: 101 = payout 303
3rd column: 101 = payout 303
0-00: no bet = lose 302

Again, very low risk, but also a very low return. The same thing can be done with the dozens: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Best of luck, and remember: Never bet more than you can afford to lose!
I don't have any stats so it's no "real" advice
I never played with a system but there are natural occuring repetitions that can be used. sometimes they even work...kind of :p
take a look at my stats,I think losing 46.49 gold per 1k gold bet isn't that bad at all regarding the thrill you get plus the (endless) joy of BIG winnings you get from time to time^^

-like nosteramus did for a while betting on the same number again for the next spin (ex. last spin landed on 6, next spin bet on 6, etc...)

-pick the "mirror" numbers like 12,13,21,23,31,32 and bet them (ex. last spin landed on 13, bet on 31, etc...)

the rest of my system can be found in my guts, that's where most of my bets are originated :D

for all of you playing roulette...gl your number will hit on the next spin
a severe dedication to watching roulette for hours on end, recording the numbers rolled

problem solved=)
http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2& eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhwm-tools.ru%2Findex.php%3Fact%3Drolcom&act=u rl

In this site you can see all the numbers that fell:-)
http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout =2& eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhwm-tools.ru%2Findex.php%3Fact%3Drolcom&act=u rl

I can be wrong , but on .ru such statistics MAY BE are forbidden... I can be wrong... But better not to post this openly...
I don't know if is luck or tatic, but some players put 10 k in one number and earn a lot... And they do it in just 2 or 3 moves...

Coolahed do u have any special tactics?
see for the last 5 spins and then bet on the dozen which appear the least
for ex-the spins r 3,9,33,35,15 --so bet on medium as it appeared the least

try this tactics ,,,its amazing
Well , I'm using such method named titanic. Everyone knows the sad story about this shiP and it Is the same ; you win or you lose .

This mehod is based on playing on dozens and consist of 6 spins in a row (!!!!!) so , you must find a lot of time :)) it is better to bet a low amount of money ( more effectively ) I will wrte as if I'll place 1k.

1 spin : you place 1k on the dozen that dropped last (at least I do so , I think it is having more luck :D) profit 2k.

2 spin : if you lost you place on the doEn that droped after that and you place sane 1k (profit 1k)

3 spin : you place on the SAME doZen and place 2k (profit 2k)

4 spin : you place on the dozen that dropped after 3rd spin ( and you place other 2 bets on the same dozen as on 4th) you place 3k (profit 2k)

5 spin : you place 4k (profit 1k)

6 spin : you place 6k ( profit 1k)

If after 6 spins you won NOTHING , then you must stop , take a big breath ins
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