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Authorbuying artifacts with diamonds
For those who -1 you guys wish to see the server close down in 1 day It is as if there aren't any advantage for donaotors now and that if this idea is not implemented without giving any status adv to donators, they would stop playing.

enjoy the free ride while others pay for it instead of complaining! Having arts with tweaked powers and it being available cheaper with diamonds is not a small adv. It would give donators considerable adv in all levels and very much adv sat lvls 3,6,7,9,11,13,15. Then donators would be in top of hunts , win almost all the GBs and duels they join , get in top position during events . Currently there are some things for non donators to compete for in some levels. What fun would donators have if they would lose all duels against donators, can't beat hunt records made by donators, don't have any chance in any events either? There is no purpose for non donators to play unless - they want to kill some of their time, they want donators have fun , or just play cards.
Now non donators are having some fun and they should be some what obliged to donators but with this implimented, donators should be thankful to non donators for not leaving game and letting they have fun by screwing non donators. Most of the donators would leave. That would mean the community would be mostly donators. Then donators would lose all the advantages and they would be forced to donate to avoid disadvantage. I don't think donators would like this situation either. So don't think that non donators are a useless piece of community. Without them, donators will lose the privilages they are enjoying now.
Non donators can always buy diamonds from the Ridge of Hope. Having items that can only be bought with diamonds doesn't break the game. I play another free browser game where they have "Item of the Month" that can only be bought with "diamonds" and even non donators like myself still enjoys it. As long as said items are tradeable, it's all fine.
Non donators can always buy diamonds from the Ridge of Hope
That would be at insane amount of gold, waste of time.
I play another free browser game where they have "Item of the Month" that can only be bought with "diamonds" and even non donators like myself still enjoys it. As long as said items are tradeable, it's all fine.
If comparing with other games, also compare how much gold/money equivalence players(active player as well as infrequent player) can earn in one day compared to here and also the value of diamond equivalence . I have played many games where donators have much more advantage but non donars too can gain them easily spending just 1 hr once or twice a day , for a few weeks. Also all of them were of no fun, too much dependent on donation. So I left them.
For those who -1 you guys wish to see the server close down in 1 day?

With the current situation, has the server shut down??? The current donation system is best.

If this is implemented, most of the non-donors will get frustrated and leave the game. Since most of the players are non-donors, the game will not have many players. This will cause even the donors to have less fun and they too will leave the game. This way, the game would have to be put down!
That would be at insane amount of gold, waste of time.

Says you. I happen to think that 15000 gold per diamond is reasonable. I've already quit this game once and one of the things that made me return is the introduction of the Diamond Repository. Before, we accepted it as a fact of life that nondonators like myself will never get the chance to get diamond upgrades. Now we can. 50 diamonds to get the final upgrade is very much achievable with the right strategy.

If comparing with other games, also compare how much gold/money equivalence players(active player as well as infrequent player) can earn in one day compared to here and also the value of diamond equivalence . I have played many games where donators have much more advantage but non donars too can gain them easily spending just 1 hr once or twice a day , for a few weeks. Also all of them were of no fun, too much dependent on donation. So I left them.

The games that you play suck. With proper management, items available only through donations would actually improve the game. I've seen it happen.

doing so and more updates like this this game will become a free to play
pay for enjoy

You PAID for enjoy..Of course if you didn't pay ..you also can enjoy this game

The only problem is that the satisfaction between non-donator and donator..

If you don't want to pay then just play as non-donator..no one is holding a guns to force you to donate

More people like you thinks that this game should free to play and donate to game whenever they like..question is how many people will do that?

Please think in the view of admin..Don't just think selfishly in your personal view, as consumer view

Hey this server does not run for free of charge..think hard what you must


Admin struggle to earn more money to make this game better..no money less incentives they are
Great idea! I like your idea and I think admin would like the donations.
you also can enjoy this game
With the arts you ask for in excahnge for diamonds, there would be no enjoyment for non donators. Don't say they can exchange gold for diamond. It is no fun enrolling 2 months just to buy 1 art.

You are saying as if non donators are a useless lot in the game , just consuming server power and they contribute nothing at all. Donators are enjoying such privilages bcause there are a good number of non-donators . Without sufficient non donars , you would be enjoying such privilages + you would be forced to donate more to avoid disadvantage.

An extra 1 attack is compatible. But having 2-4 more attack and without any need for enrollment is too much. Yes NO FREE LUNCH IN THIS WORLD
Thats why non donars have to spend 2-3 weeks to build upgraded constr while donators can do it within seconds and that too at an earlier level .
Think about non donators as well. They spend 1-2 month just enrolling to buy full arts and when they do PvP, break hunt record or any other competitive field, they would find themselves easily defeated by donators with their tweaked weapons without spending any time for enrollment . No fun for donators. Currently it is not felt much bcause non donator community is large + they get fair chance at some levels if ignoring time for enrollment and TGI. What fun would non donars have by playing this game if donators have huge adv in every level? Think it. So kindly take back your decision for tweaked weapons available through diamonds.
I support the normal arts available throught diamond but no tweaked arts.
You are saying as if non donators are a useless lot in the game , just consuming server power and they contribute nothing at all.

I don't think anyone is saying that vishnus. The original idea was simply to provide another incentive for those players who can donate, to donate more in support of the server. Every player who is active on the server supports the game just by playing here, whether they donate or not. But in the end, the game cannot run on fresh air and goodwill alone.

By the way, the advantages diamond buyers have are not acquired so easily as you seem to think - hours of "enrollment" in real life pays for those diamonds ;)
there would be no enjoyment for non donators.

Please man..Think hard which one is harder to obtain? Real life cash or in-game gold?

Admin could create tons of in-game gold as much as they can..but can they create real-life cash?

This is why the real-life money ranked as priority position than anyone else..

You played too much game..That's why your concept about the importance between in-game gold and real life cash is screwed up

Compare to real-life cash and in-game gold..which one has more value?

Like i said before..think hard with your brain
I support the normal arts available throught diamond but no tweaked arts.

This will thrown away the courage of donators as they found nothing benefit for them to donate

What's the point of this idea to get implemented?
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