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AuthorDark Elf faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
Nice thinking Pantheon, I didn't include another possible morale trigger on the triggered move. Still taking 10 as an example is irrelevant because it cannot be achieved and according to the formula every trigger decrease the chance for the next trigger...
I would like to believe that the best option is the combination of both (something similar like 10% offense boost and luck; they give the best result if ballanced on talent wheel)
Definitely something for more thinking, because every time you change the concept a little bit you get different conclusions :)
@42: DE doesn't know what shooters are :p

Morale also is very interesting once you get lizard assaillants, as each morale trigger on shrews brings extra assaults.
@42: DE doesn't know what shooters are :p
I think you meant for @40. :)

Still taking 10 as an example is irrelevant because it cannot be achieved
I was just using that number because 100% triggers makes the math and understanding easier.

according to the formula every trigger decrease the chance for the next trigger...
True, but you forget that each non-trigger also increases the chance for the next trigger. Each morale trigger also provides an extra opportunity for a non-trigger. :) Luck triggers don't provide extra opportunity for triggers or non-triggers.

It might seem counterinitutive that a morale trigger would also increase the chance for the next trigger given how the morale/luck formula is setup. The entire issue lies in how morale itself affects the # of turns your stack gets.
@42: DE doesn't know what shooters are :p

Awws, forgot this was a DE-topic :P
now i noe....
shrews n morale are super important for DE but a bit of luck wont hurt either......
for cyberclops:
Yeahh .. :) Shrews, minos, etc will have a lot of turns .. it will be very important vs knights and Necros .. :)
hei guys scince i lv-ed up i used up all my money n took a 7k loan from my brother n i managed to get both shrews n hydras......
but now i hav a problem with arts....
could u all giv some suggestions for the cheapest set of arts for a lv 8 might DE??
thx in advance......
the cheapest set of arts for a lv 8 might DE
i think it will be reprisal sword, defender shield, medal of bracery...

sry for double posting!

P.S. what u r wearing now is also very cheap...
light axe is even cheaper ;)
damages dealt by luck are always higher than damages dealt by morale.

exemple of Pantheon would be correct if we could reach 10 morale: with 10 morale you deal same damages than with 10 luck...but you will never have 10 morale.

if you have x morale (x between 1 and 5) and 0 luck, you will always deal less damages than with x luck and 0 morale.

i will compare damage dealt by a stack with morale and a stack with luck, in the time needed by the stack with morale to deal 100 attacks.
n= number of damages dealt in a single attack, without luck.

1 morale VS 1 luck:

1st stack with 1 morale, 0 luck plays 100 times.
10% of these moves will have morale: 90 normal moves, 10 morale moves.
number of turns used to play 100 times: 90+10/2 = 95.
damages dealt in 95 turns: 100n

in the same time, the 2nd stack with 0 morale, 1 luck will play 95 times.
90% of normal attacks, 10% of lucky attacks.
damages dealt in 95 turns: 95*0.9+(95*0.1)*2 = 95*1.1 = 104.5n

with 1 luck, 0 morale you deal 4.5% more damages than with 1 morale, 0 luck.

3 morale VS 3 luck:

100 moves of 1st stack with 3 morale, 0 luck
70 normal moves, 30 morale moves.
number of turns used to play 100 times: 70+30/2=85 turns
damages dealt in 85 turns: 100n

2nd stack with 3 luck, 0 morale:
85 attacks. 70% of normal attacks, 30% of lucky attacks.
damages dealt in 85 turns: 85*0.7+(85*0.3)*2 = 85*1.3 = 110.5n

with 3 luck, 0 morale you deal 10.5% more damages than with 3 morale, 0 luck.

5 morale VS 5 luck:

100 moves of 1st stack with 5 morale, 0 luck
50 normal moves, 50 morale moves.
number of turns used to play 100 times: 50+50/2 = 75 turns
damages dealt in 75 turns: 100n

2nd stack with 5 luck, 0 morale:
75 attacks. 50% normal attacks, 50% lucky attacks.
damages dealt in 75 turns: 75*0.5+(75*0.5)*2 = 75*1.5 = 112.5n

with 5 luck, 0 morale you deal 12.5% more damages than with 5 morale, 0 luck.

these formulas are the same for each factions: luck is always better than morale for damages output, except if you play with the retribution talent (this talent gives additional damages depending on your morale)

for DE faction, the difference between luck and morale is even bigger, because of the minotaurs:
minotaurs always have at least 3 morale.
a hero with 1 morale, 2 luck will have minos with 3 morale, 2 luck.
a hero with 3 morale, 0 luck will have minos with 3 morale, 0 luck.
morale is a waste of talents/artifacts for them, it's only usefull for our other units.

You are assuming the units still alive after each attack, which is absolutely not true for shrews.

The effect of morale is not to get max damage in one hit, but give shrews more chances to hit before they die fast. Also as triplebuzze said, it brings more chances for liz to assault enemies.

The pure comparison of total damage between morale and luck doesn't make sense to DE IMO.
what I wanted to tell;0
My shift key went crazy and I lost every thing I typed.The earlier ';0' is smile....Cannot use shift key 'sad'
Karsot only stated the general damage output, but since you are comparing the damage dealt before shrews die, I can't see a better way to max that if shrews get a lucky shot in first turn :))
Morale and luck damage boost are both linear through time, so morale won't give you any more advantage in for example 2 turns, than luck will...
DE rely on shrews to kill enemy shootersAnd most shooters will get a turn before shrews can finish the cover and reach them.If there is morale boost, they may be able to reach before shooters shoot or be able to hit another unit before they are roasted by enemy shooters.All shrews may not be able to hit all units.But finally it all depends on players real life luck.
@ Vishnus, then just do not forget to bring tactics and make sure u have enough power to open the shooters walls .. :)

Comparing the total damage before shrews die is also not very good actually, not only because of the existence of liz assault (where luck is not effective), but also you can hit various targets for different tactic needs. A powerful attack (luck) to one stack is usually wasteful comparing to one additional chances. (especially in group battles)
ask coolahed,he knows all,sees all,EATS ALL?
I like morale better, when you're cornered and going to lose, a good morale boost will save you.

Scenario A:
*Shrews cornered*
OMG, damn, GG.
*Moves shrews to hit furthest target*
*Bursting for more action!*
YESH, cya suckers.
*Shrews run*

Scenario B:
*Shrews cornered*
OMG, damn, GG.
*Moves shrews to hit furthest target*
*Luck befalls Shrews*
o.0 I still cant run off, and the luck didnt kill the whole stack, GG.

Well, this does not matter when your target has reached 8 speed though.
What talents and recruiting I should have at level 10?
I am a Might dark elf.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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