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AuthorNew Guilds, Classes, and Hunts.
[Post deleted by moderator Barbarian-Fishy // ]
[Player banned by moderator Barbarian-Fishy until 2010-06-13 15:15:10 // Using ** to mask it is still against the rules.]
Talk about New Updates, Updates and Updates first... ~~
40-No problem. Thats what I'm here for =)
41-I know that, and it really saddens me. I don't quite get it why they ignore what the players want, even though we are the ones keeping the game alive. Hopefully since they have nothing more to add to game (besides upgrade for tier 6) from .ru, they will start to add some player ideas.
42-Yes, LOTS of new updates :p
Well have 1 question - how long time did i take from you ? :)

And a bit of critics - for 2nd upgrare you increase HP , i think thats a bit crazy...
how long time did it* take from you
44 I increased hp for 2nd upgrade because I think each new level, considering how long it takes to level up in this game at high levels, should have something really powerful to show for it. Anyway, if each person that level has a 2nd upgrade (unless they are extremely poor) the fights will be equal, yet more epic =).
44/45-This didn't take me that long. Maybe 3-4 hours. Most of the things I copied and pasted from my earlier works, and reworked them a bit (mostly first page. The second page I made up entirely on the spot.) If you think this is long, you should see the thing I wrote for the runescape suggestions forum. Its 86 pages, and counting. :p
People, if you see any of my works (other than this one) please don't comment on it, as all my ideas are compiled into this one. Thanks a bunch.
I'm sorry to triple post, but if you guys have any ideas for some sort of mythical factions that you think would be cool, but aren't quite sure what the exact monsters/stats/abilities would be, I would be happy to create a layout of the faction in the same format as all my other factions. And remember, you can post your ideas here, as long as they aren't complete dreamers! (like tier 1's with 500hp.)
well, i dont have any tuff right now xcept the Alchemy, but im not sure how we r gunna move that to here. its definately too long to fit in 1 post, and idk if we have it worked out enough to move over here.
Wow, make this guy an admin and lets get some upgrades, seriously
#50 Thanks for the compliment. If we get enough supporters, they might make the updates I haven listed here.
Why are you wasting your time for something which will never be implemented in the game.
#52-Maybe because I enjoy doing it, and I think the community should get involved with the happening of the game. And why be so rude and sadistic about it? (by the way, there should be a ? at the end of your sentence, not a period.)
great job.for another class how bout the elementals.a element like race who are dedicated to keeping the balance of the world
@ 54

here is a link to an old post for elementals faction:

#54-Elementals are mindless creatures who only do their masters bidding. They would be better implemented in some sort of summoning spells. They could have certain elements for each faction (e.g. Knights could summon light elementals, Demons could summon Fire elementals etc.) I might look into it later.
how bout the vermin lords.
Nice work

BTW, you actually had to time to write all this?
#57. Vermin tend to be weak, so creating a tier 6 or 7 would be hard. I mean, rat behemoth as tier 7? Don't think it would work, sorry.
#58. Im a fast typer, didn't take me long :p
Ive thought of some new terrains that can be added to the map as well as some options and abilities that can be added.

Large boulders that take up 2x2 area on the map.Because of their great height, they can't be flown over, but can be teleported past.
As explained earlier with the marshmen, the bog is a stinking-festering pit of muddy water and vegetation. If its deep enough, it can slow down walking units (see marshmen for more details on it.)
Large, flat rocks jutting towards the sky, with no obvious way of getting up their. Only flying and teleported units can stand on these tiles (1x1) and are only effetected by attacks from rangers, fliers, and teleporters. Although, if the unit on top of the plateau attacks a unit, the unit still retaliaites.
Similar to a plateau, but only by the fact that one end can be climbed up (it takes up 1x2 tiles.) The unit up there is immune to non flyer/teleporter melee attacks, but can still be attacked if the enemy makes it up the pathway. Although, if the unit on top of the cliff attacks a unit, the unit still retaliaites.
A tile that slows down movement when passing through it (20%.) When caught in a fire spell (fireball for example) the forest is burned down and removed from the playing field. A forest takes up a 1x1 space, and reduces ranged damage to a stack standing on it by 25%, but increases melee damage (except for ranger and elf units, as they are accustomed to the woods) by 10%, due to lack of maneuverability.
Whether dirt or cobblestone, roads are good at getting you where you want to fast. There's not much special about roads, except they speed up walking troops by 10% (may not seem like much, but if you move over three road tiles, that's a 30% speed boost :p.)

Because of these updates I think that the playing field should be expanded from its standard 10x12 (at least that's what I have and I'm level 7. Might be smller for level 1's, but I don't know) to a 15x15 field. Of course though, the filed would increase in size for larger armies, up to possible 25x25 solo for level 14, and about a 75x25 for 3 on 3 (for 2 on 2, it would be about 50x 25.) A larger field with more obstacles, unpredictable variables, would require more skill as well as giving more of a challenge and forcing you to use skill and strategy to survive (you can't run straight forward and attack with your shrews now, you have to work your enemy into a vulnerable position with your skills :p.) I personally think that at the beginning of battle, the armies shouldn't be so close a 8 speed or 7 with tactics) can get a hit in in the first 5 seconds. (oh, and if the game moderators ARE going to do the updates they have planned, and add ammo carts and etc., expanded fields would be a necessity.

You should have an potion to zoom the camera in more, and be able to scroll around the battlefield, rather than looking at a zoomed-out overview.

Option to move number in stack above or below creatures head.

Ability to display total health in a stack as well as the number (useful to determine how many in a stack you will kill when using magic.)

Thanks for reading everyone. Enjoy the thread and keep it alive!
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