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AuthorNo Arts no Battles.... Admins, think!!!
"There are 351.95 defender shields in stock right now"

that's how he wins -- 351 more than nohting

You have no idea what we are talking about. I will explain it to you.

When there is underproduction of some artifact, stock in the facility that produces it is empty. Thus players can't buy from that facility and if they really need that artifact, they are looking at the market. Merchants know it, buy all artifacts at the end of the shift and then try to sell them for as high price as possible. Modi don't like this tactic and tries to operate on the market in order to lower the price.

Once again, we are talking about artifacts that aren't available at the production facilities most of the time.
and why are there defender shields in stock?
Because there are enough work places for production that is higher than demand.
not because he took away the incentive of hoarding them, then?
I don't think so :-)))
Prices of Medals of bravery and Leather armor are still high (altough not that much as before, because some part of players made other solutions of their min AP sets), so I am curious how you win in these 2 cases ...

simple, players should stop buying from market while you guys start to pull down the price. your counter action wont take effect if players still wanna buy from market. every party have to work together to kill the monopoly.

on other side, you got alot smith can do free repair around, take the offer. so, you get a free artifacts to use again; smith got smith point, not bad huh? please ignore the durability; it is a free repair, you shouldnt expect much, right? :)
No, jrf is right.

Its a mather of access contra demand. If a factory produce's lower amount of an product that we as player are consuming, no manipulation will hold the prize down for any lenght of time just as long as the manipulators keeps buying. Yes any player can buy the armors and put them out on the market, at an "no gain" price in order to keep the price at an resonable lvl. But as long as we consume all that is produced, it meens that ANY armor put on the market will get sold even those taking 100g extra.

What happend to shields and other equipment that are in stock nowdays is that production is higher then demand, the stock would have filled with or without the help of other players. The few facilities that still has 0 in stock is likely producing to few units/hour to cover the demand and no manipulations will make them produce more.

Beliving you can make a differance here is just hybris, the facilities who are still at 0 are likly gona be so untill Admins decide to increase the amount of workers able to work at the same time or we get higher average labours guild level or the price of the product is corrected to its actuall worth (relative to demand).
Hmm... "facilities" should be "production facilities"
for jrf:

You dont know what you are talking about. We attacked the shield market as a clan and after buying up a nice stock, we unloaded all our supply at the same time for cost, making it unprofitable to buy what the facilities produced for resale. We broke it and thats a fact. I know 150 that can pass you the clan mail. lol
Someone forum ban my alt for life so I dont post with it again please. ^^
for Perkalov:

We never claimed the shield market wouldn't eventually correct itself. We pushed it along.
And while doing so(e.i, gathering shields), you never considered that you where straining an already rotten market and might be the ones actually pushing the prices (creating the shortage) and prolonging the shortage?

I'm not saying that this has been the effect, but its an obvious risk with that maneuver, e.i you are actually helping the merchants draining the market.

Btw out of curiosity, by eventually, how many weeks or month do you estimate you shortened the merchants market for selling shields with profit?

By the sound of it, in this thread and an other I bothered reading, I should consider "anti merchants" as some sort of hero's, witch I obviously don't since I believe what has been done has possibly worsened the market, but at best been futile. Imho what was done was just as right or wrong as the opportunists doing. Difference being that the opportunists at least didn't suffer from hybris :P
for Perkalov:

Nope. We started driving down the prices as soon as we could. There is one player with 5 accounts that manipulates markets. That player alone could hold 100 shields with no problem. You can say what we did didnt have an effect but it did and our mission was accomplished. We are LOS and we fight corruption where we can, including greed in some cases. We don't care who likes us either. Unless you were involved in the shield market at that time, you are just guessing at what happened. Were you involved? I will have to check your transfer log. Hybris? lol
Let me add that the player using 5 accounts ^^ is NOT an LOS guy! And Perk, next time you want to insult me, use the proper term. It's HUBRIS, not hybris. No it wasn't a typo, because you used it in two posts. As for being anti-merchant, I already explained that I wasn't but obviously you spent as much time reading through the posts as you did studying the shield market.
Hybris (vice), exaggerated self pride, an alternative spelling for "hubris", depending upon the source of ancient Greek being translated.
Quoted from wikipedia for what it's worth.

About that shortage, just be sure to fill all the working slots with very high LG level players and it will be solved in a week or two.
All those market "tricks" have close to no effect if any at all.
They have been many def shield shortage. But after artic raised the working slots in silent hill, all the following shortage where solved in ~1 week because that factory is largely outproducing our needs in normal times (when no major event is happening, so no risks).

Oh wait... The greedy corrupted and what not merchants will do the opposit and fill the slots with LG 0 characters. Get ready for the clic wars :p
They have been many def shield shortage. But after artic raised the working slots in silent hill, all the following shortage where solved in ~1 week because that factory is largely outproducing our needs in normal times (when no major event is happening, so no risks).

Can we say, survival tournament every two weeks?
Been fun kids. I've wasted enough time playing ancient Greek word games and discussing what we know happened. Speculators in the shield market lost. How much quicker was it? Who cares? We can go to the facility to buy shields if we desire and that was the goal. Sun will rise tomorrow...no it won't, yes it will, no it won't......

You guys can have the last word. Have fun with it :P
Nope, not a typo. Its correctly spelled. Just that I unintentionally spelled it in my native language. But it's good to see that google works fine for you. I got a few other "big" words for you...
Vainglorious, self-righteous.
Vainglorious would be for anyone skimming 200g for an artifact and claim to fight corruption.
Self-righteous would be for anyone doing the above, and believe or state that they where an ounce better then those who doesn't hide that what they are doing is for the sole purpose of gaining money.

"I will have to check your transfer log."
Intentionally or not, that sounds like a threat. Fighting corruption and those are the methods then? Making sure that no one that cheats might argue your methods, since you will report em?
But the logs are as we all know public so feel free. I for one ain't skimming 200g for selling artifacts :P

As for anyone with 5 characters, he's breaking the rules and I expect our dear admins will take care of that kind of behavior.

I do not support manipulation of the market, but I realize that its something that might be seen as a fun thing, and lucrative, giving some players an different approach to the game. I also acknowledge that some players might find fighting those, who like to manipulate the market, as a fun part of the game. However, claiming to do so because "we fight corruption" or similar is just plain BS to me, not only do you destroy the fun those "market-manipulators" are having (pretty much in the same way as you are accusing them of destroying the fun for others), you do so with an impenetrable shield of self-righteousness.

The quick response from the self-righteous is "they deserve it" or the similar.
Yes, well according to your moral standards they might. But this action is as far as I know (manipulating the market)not against any rules, and if it is, it should be handled by correct authorities. So according to our rules they don't deserve to be punished or stopped and they are just enjoying the game. Long story short, I would have less problem with your actions if your attitude where less self-righteous and you admitted that what you did where merely for your own amusement.

I really dislike any group of humans that finds that imposing their own moral standards upon others is a glorious and good thing to do.
If at all unclear, my post (#59) was directed at Modi, just took me a tad over an hour to get it done since my daughter kept demanding my attention :)
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