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Author3 Enrollments at a time
Do not forget rich people who enroll 10-15 hours per day would continue to enroll and would also take their bonus for enrolling during sleep. In the end rich will be richer and not standard prices will go up.

But i like the modified version of Pantheon. I would though suggest only people with low LG compared to their level use it to help them get into the game easier.
Do not forget rich people who enroll 10-15 hours per day would continue to enroll and would also take their bonus for enrolling during sleep.
Then they deserve their gold, since they're working more then others.

In the end rich will be richer.
The rich will be richer and the poor will be richer too. Don't you want the poor to be richer? I thought that was the problem...

I would though suggest only people with low LG compared to their level use it to help them get into the game easier.
So you would discriminate against those who actually take their time and level up slow (maybe they don't PvP because they feel it's inefficient, even thought they would normally love to do GB's, if there wasn't any exp or fsp or arts involved)? No, the solution is not to give benefits to one group over another, and this idea doesn't do that either.

What this idea will do is give more gold to those who can't play all the time. For example, someone who plays 2 hours per day will get a lot higher increase in his income then the ones who play 10 hours a day because he could normally only enroll 3 times, while the others could do so 11 times; with this change, the more casual player will get 1 extra enroll's worth in cash , while the more hardcore one will also get 1 - but for the casual player, this increase will be equal to 33%, whereas for the hardcore one, it will only be 9%. This will actually help balance the scales between the richer and poorer players and that is something you probably agree with, Ektoras.

As for the idea itself: +1 to Robai's. And for everyone else: remember the numbers are always up for debate when someone suggests an idea; the idea itself - the new system that will bring about a change for the better - is what we should be supporting or rejecting.
Robai's idea is not balanced. Let's say everyone enrolls for 8 hours right before they sleep, go to work/school, etc.
1) Where did I say 8 hours?
2) I suggested maximum 4 hours and explained the meaning of that (in 10th post).
3) As ChooJeremy noticed, enrolling for 5 hours or more stops becoming useful (by that system).

Not balanced? Anyway, why do you think that your idea gives more balance, if you reduce 30% income?
I.e. do you think that players get too much gold now, especially when we have workaholic rule?

Whatever you had in mind I hope you agree with this:
1) new system shouldn't change the income per 1 hour if we enroll for 1 hour (because then the system would be equivalent to increasing or decreasing our income, which is completely another question, not related to the suggestion I described).
2) if we enroll for longer time, say N hours, then we should get less gold than enrolling N times for 1 hour (for example, I suggested to give 140% gold if we enroll for 2 hours, which is less than 100%+100%).
3) enrolling for N hours should give more gold than enrolling for just 1 hour (otherwise, there would be no point to enroll for longer time)

I didn't suggest more income!
For example, if you enroll for 2 hours then you get only 140% gold, which is LESS than enrolling 2 times (for 1 hour). Do you think that 140% is too big or too small? Ok, change it (but it has to be more than 100% and less than 200%).

I only extended possibility to gain gold, by reducing some slavery (for example, those players who can enroll only every 2-4 hours will get some compensation and the game will give more fun to them).

If you think that it should be possibility to enroll for 8 hours then ok, no problem, but enrollment for 1 hour has to give 100% (i.e. as it is now) and enrollment for 8 hours has to be between 100% and 800%, and it should give more gold than, say, enrollment for 6 hours.
But the bonus shouldn’t be big (I think enrollment for 8 hours should give less than 300%).

Anyway, I still think that the idea in the 3rd post is better option.
Do not forget rich people who enroll 10-15 hours per day would continue to enroll and would also take their bonus for enrolling during sleep. In the end rich will be richer and not standard prices will go up.
Such players like you so hate mass enrollers that they agree to damage themselves in order to do some damage to them.
But the funny thing is that Workaholic rule failed, because:
1) The most damage was done to very active high level players.
2) It made problems for new players (because they no longer can play slow leveling game and save gold at the same time - only fast leveling game is an option for them, but fast game isn't easy anymore - AP rule will hit them hard).
3) Level campers, like me, very well adapted to Workaholic rule, almost no damage done.

Similar history we got here:
Ektoras so afraid of TINY bonus for mass enrollers that he agree to lose his AVERAGE bonus.
Why do I say TINY?
Because mass enrollers, like me, will almost always enroll for just 1 hour (because they do enrolls EVERY 60-70 min unless they go to sleep or go to school/work). So, actually, the system I described would be much more useful for normal players (i.e. those who login in this game only every 2-4 hours, because they live a real life).
And, I'm sure that this game would be more attractive for new players if they could enroll for several hours.
for Lannik:
42th post shows a really great wisdom!
(for example, I suggested to give 140% gold if we enroll for 2 hours, which is less than 100%+100%).

Just using that as an example, this means a player could do only enroll once would now receive 140% gold instead of 100% gold. This in of itself means more gold. You can pick your reason why or when, but all players will have multiple times where they can enroll now but would not be able to enroll again in 1 hour later. Of course depending on different play styles some players would benefit more from this than others. But in the end all players will get more gold.

My modification was just an attempt to balance this out, so overall players would not get more gold. I thought the whole point of this idea is to reduce enrolling and not give more gold to everyone.
+1 for Robai's idea

really good idea
I thought the whole point of this idea is to reduce enrolling and not give more gold to everyone.

You are missing THE REAL TIME variable!
In the idea I described you CAN'T earn more gold, say, per 6 hours of real time. But if you can afford to play this game only 2 hours per day then this new system will help you. That's WAS the whole point.

The point was to give players a choice:
1) enroll more times and take more gold
2) or enroll less times, but for more hours and get LESS gold

And yes, all players will gain more gold, BUT only if they use this system wisely (as it should be in a strategy game).
There will be an interesting strategy:
- for how many hours to enroll if you don't know whether you will be able to enroll after 1 hour?
(this is a very often situation, even when you go to sleep you aren't sure if you will do it now or 60 min later, isn't it?)

If you enroll for 4 hours and you come back sooner (e.g., after 1 hour) then you won't be able to enroll, so you will get LESS gold!
So, in the new system some players will get LESS gold!

Again, if you think 140% is too much for 2 hours then you can decrease it.
For example (version 2):
If you enroll for 1 hour then you get 100%
If you enroll for 2 hours then you get 60% for each hour (i.e. 2x60 = 120%)
If you enroll for 3 hours then you get 50% for each hour (i.e. 3x50 = 150%)
If you enroll for 4 hours then you get 40% for each hour (i.e. 4x40 = 160%)

Pantheon, are you satisfied now?

I think that 120% per 2 hours is too little, because 140% was a good choice also for those who do long PvP battles, which last about 2 hours.
They definitely won't choose 120%.
1 + for robai only 28 miore votes
Hi Robai,
You have a very interesting idea. Just to clarify, cause it doesn't seem clear to me & it may be what is causing some of the arguments.

Your suggestion is something like this:

I am feeling lazy & knowing I have a big project to do at work, so I go to SH & see that the Defender Shield factory has 20 Mill Gold & even better 10 open slots, so I enroll for a workshift. Now I can choose to work from 4 workshifts.

Ver 1 ver2
Workshift 1- 1 hour for 205 Gold 205 Gold
Workshift 2- 2 hours for 287 Gold 140% 246 Gold 120%
Workshift 3- 3 hours for 369 Gold 180% 308 Gold 150%
Workshift 4- 4 hours for 410 Gold 200% 328 Gold 160%

Well, me I would choose to work for 4 hours. Even though if I remember, to come back just once in the 4 hour period, I will make twice as much gold. To be honest, I probably wouldn't remember to do it. Now, as long as I get kicked out after the next hour workshift ends & I can not enroll again until 4 hours have passed, your system will work very well. I get more gold than I normally would, less gold has gone out of the Factory & there are still spaces for people to work. Plus keep the workaholic rule, for ten hours... I can see when I have more time, why I wouldn't ever do it, but I can see the benefits to it. Kudos to you, Robai. I like it.
@ for you sticklers, here is the outcome at my current LG bonus of 3

Ver 1 ver2
Workshift 1- 1 hour for 205 Gold 205 Gold
Workshift 2- 2 hours for 861 Gold 140% 738 Gold 120%
Workshift 3- 3 hours for 1107 Gold 180% 924 Gold 150%
Workshift 4- 4 hours for 1230 Gold 200% 984 Gold 160%

Had I enrolled every hour for 4 hours 2460 Gold
+1 for current Robai idea:P
+1 for Robai
well, I know of other "similar" games where you can enroll only once in a day, and this is worth 8h salary ... I think it is more "realistic" and really gives everyone same opportunities.

but together with this change I will also do others:
- eliminate the laborers guild (it won't make a lot of sense with the modification proposed)
- give the defence bonus to the "gladiator" guild (the guild of those fighting PvP)

I know .. I am too much fight oriented ... and probably the game should be called simply warlords in that case ... that's only my thought, though, and I am pretty sure none of these ideas (not just mine) will ever be implemented ........
I think that you guys dont understand the point Pantheon is trying to get through to you..Any enrollement that gives more than 100% gold is simply imbalanced.Patheon's idea's certainly more balanced but not profitable..and the purpose is to reduce enrollments while not increasing gold..While yours aims to increase gold while reducing enrollments..Thus causing imbalance
+1 for Robai's idea.
am pretty sure none of these ideas (not just mine) will ever be implemented ........
I think that you guys dont understand the point Pantheon is trying to get through to you..Any enrollement that gives more than 100% gold is simply imbalanced.

You feel it's imbalanced to enroll for 140% of 1 hour's wage and 2 hours' work? If you enroll once every 2, 3 or 4 hours, then you gain something more then you would now, but if you can enroll every hour and do the 2-hour enrolls, you'd be losing money. The whole idea is to have a way of letting the character work while you go to sleep / go out / whatever.
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