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Authorwhy elves are more powerful than DE?
Any1 give me a link with elve dueling a wizard in level 9 and winning!

elves are too weak against magic...
i don't think wizard are at all powerful.according to me their every troop has less defense they only depend on magic and when their mana is finished they are finished.

let me tell DE can win against Whom:-


according to me because i have defeated them but i can't defeat knight because of their highly recruited swords
Level 9 is different

Wizard got treasury which makes them the strongest faction in this level!

I daubt any elve can beat wizard in a fair AP duel!
Mmmm let's see, I remember getting pwnd by an elf with fair AP in an ambush...
Elves can't beat level 9 wizards...

only in ambushes... maybe!
its because the DE dont have shooters

Forgetten about posioners are:)

All failed to find just 1 fair duel with wizard and elve won!

wizard noobs win don't count either!
Another DE win on evles...
The topic is about elves and des and not wizards. .Des are easy to defeat.And i have thief hunted many des necros elves demons too.All were easy.ELf is stronger because of high initiative.De has only one high initiative unit(shrew) whereas elf's got sprites efks and many more units with high initiative compared to de.
for Moonhunter: elves have initiative but due dark elves strong magic they lose against them
I have won every dark elf i battled.there are magic proof items which are useful.And magic has a limit.Only for a limited mana.Elves are stronger :p and unicorns have aura of magic proof which causes nearby allies to have magic proof too.ELVES are stronger
but i have defeated all the elves which face me. but the troops of elves are not so powerful as compared to dark elf troops.

What i found in ur combot log is ---> as a DE, u never fight elf (duel), but as an elf, u have poor tactic against DE :)
LOl elfmoon is right!
fair AP battle (i forgot to remove my min AP set to travel, and a min AP thief ambushed me)
DE won easily against elf

and just for fun: totally unfair AP battle (full arts elf VS naked DE)
I just receantly faced the same situation: min AP elf against naked DE and I find it quite easy to win, despite my poor setup :)

for Karsot:
Second battle: one of the most beautiful battles, I have ever seen :)
Ok2, i know how to solve this..
Lets have Moonhunter vs suvosh do a duel, then post it here. One duel in full arts, and then one more duel in min AP.
I think it's the most objective way to end this argue.
ok i accept the challenge but st i need to get shrews then i will definitely fite against him
Ok2, i know how to solve this..

No let any elve duel me!

any level 9 elf that can defeat me!

I'll prove DE is stronger!
thnx u lord my frnd for posting this for me but now i have got unbanned by moderaters so i say itok i accept the challenge but st i need to get shrews then i will definitely fite against him
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