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AuthorWhat's wrong with so many people here? (Group Battles)
To Ravensclaw,

Nobody said we want a perfect fair game. But at least we don't want a game for which the result is obvious from the beginning. Suppose you wear 9 AP and your opponent wear 50 AP, no matter how many lucks you get and how few lucks your opponent get, you still lose. Then this ruins the fun of the game. It is like watching soccer. If you already know who will win, then it is much less interesting.
#40: That battle was unfair, I confess. Find another one.

#39: I can understand your point, what I can't understand: Does it mean fun to you to win against an opponent, who can't compete with you from the start?

"I fail to see why I should do that for the benefit of people too lazy to enrol enough to maximise their potential."

"Should Usain Bolt inflict himself with polio to make 100 metre sprints fairer for his opponents? I'm sure the new 100 metre champion would laugh at his stupidity."

You're turning the words in my mouth, if you know what I mean. But if you like this game: Is it fair, when Bolt is the only runner who can afford running shoes? Come to an end with this. ;)

We won't ever come to an agreement. You got your point of view, I've got mine. Maybe I change my mind, when I'm rich. But I don't think it will satisfy me for long to smack down easy victims.

Until I find a solution like a good active clan where you can find enough players for lvl 5 gb (I somehow doubt it) or admins don't do anything about it, I will have to live with this. But you won't get me to like it or think, such players behave fair. They are simply out for fast, easy xp, nothing more, nothing less.
Hi Nutella

I have a secondary character called Man-O-War which I (hope to) use to experiment with all factions. I have decked the character with full artifacts. The character has been defeated by other players with only half the artifacts compared to mine. I attribute such losses to the fact that my character faction level is much lower than my opponents as much as well as the skill level of my opponent and my lack of familiarity of that faction. In other words I have found having a faction skill level of zero is very painful when I fight against those at faction level 4 or 5.

There are active clans that have clan rules for minimum AP limits.

When you are rich I am sure you will change your mind on AP limits.

Fighting battles fully armoured is a lot more expensive than when minimally armoured. Is this not a valid consideration?

If I spend several weeks merely enrolling so I can afford a powerful artifact set, it would be a slap in the face that I should be denied access to a group battle at my full potential because other players couldn't be bothered making such a sacrifice.

Going back to post 24...I am now confused... Either myself or Kotrin doesn't fully understand the English that is written there...

Ideas and suggestions proposed by players multiple times:

1. Remove the item deterioration or increase durability.

2. Introduce options for arts/no arts combat types. Technical impossibility to join the "wrong" combat type.

This list does not feature denied suggestions. The Administration took them to consideration, so posting them again is forbidden.

Basically, this list contains items asked over and over and over again by players, and REFUSED by admins. Including them in a list allows moderators to lock such threads when they appear.

This list does NOT feature DENIED suggestions. As I am a native English speaker, I would hope I am correct when I say that this means that these suggestions have not been denied. There are NOT refused suggestions, as refusing a suggestion and denying it are the same thing. To me, this means that these suggestions have not been decided upon at this time. These ideas are still floating around in admins heads to consider in the future if the need should arise.

Remember, most other languages don't take double negatives into account. In English, if something has two negatives, it makes a positive. (Similar to how 3 left turns makes a right turn.)

Sorry for the grammar lesson, but I feel that it is important to clear this up, as that one sentence and Kotrin are in direct contradiction with each other.
for mizzk:
I apologise on Kotrin's behalf, the list does not, as it says, feature denied suggestion but suggestions that have been brought up so many times that the admin don't want another topic about it to be brought up as a suggestion.

They MAY implement it, they may not, but don't push them regarding it, is what they are saying. Given the list has been there a long time, people can only hope.
This list does NOT feature DENIED suggestions.

Indeed, my mistake, they haven't been DENIED. They have been TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION and will be implemented later. Way later. Waaaaaaayy later.

Okay, that makes more sense. Thank you.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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