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Chelsea ftw Man utd ftl
Chelsea me too.I like Lampard the best :)
Real Madrid!!

i guess 3 of the 4 best players in the world on the team isn't too bad;P
Manchester United
Flooders of the east! :p MU
it's not football it's soccer
repeat after me
it's not football it's soccer

"Soccer" is the name Americans give to football, not to confuse with the homegrown sport they call "football", but to which every other person refer as "American football".

Football is the name given to the sport we speak of here, by approx 6 billion people.

This is a forum for an international game, thank you. ^_^
Man Utd, Sevilla, Roma .. :) and from Indonesia : Persik Kediri .. ( hehe ) all nice clubs .. :)

And Yankee (American) call it SOCCER, Englishmen call : Football .. :) the same thing .. :) just different Vocab .. :)
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