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AuthorNeutrals speak :-)
that's a nice one
The woves in sheep's clothing

1~0:[Wolf Raiders]: plz let me win
2~1:[LazyGreg]: no, i cant, sorry
3~1:[Wolf Raiders]: but this is my first battle
4~1:[LazyGreg]: no, we've met before!
5~1:[Wolf Raiders]: i was not able to click the ready button
6~2:[LazyGreg]: it's your problem
7~2:[Wolf Raiders]: i like a fair game though
8~2:[LazyGreg]: i'm not cheating
9~2:[Wolf Raiders]: avance
10~2:[LazyGreg]: what??
11~2:[Wolf Raiders]: thinphai ownage
12~3:[LazyGreg]: explain
13~3:[Wolf Raiders]: i can make mini arts with 1 extra attack defence ect
14~3:[LazyGreg]: u r wizard?
15~3:[Wolf Raiders]: the last and we win
16~5:[LazyGreg]: ok, let's start the fair game
17~5:[Wolf Raiders]: kill him<
lol xD
Cavalry deal 557 damage to Dark witches. 6 perish.
Dark witches deal 159 damage to Cavalry. 1 perish.
Cavalry are bursting for more action! [Dark witches]: holy shit
[Modern golems]: whoah u look kool, what are you? lf?
[LazyGreg]: yeah :-)
[Modern golems]: then i think you should be able to get it out
[LazyGreg]: beat you? sure!
[Modern golems]: all on sword 19
1~3:[Ogres]: he is not there?
2~6:[DrMr]: i am!
3~6:[Ogres]: kill17
4~7:[DrMr]: you have 4 * 17
5~7:[Ogres]: i stucked at lv 5 for very long
6~8:[DrMr]: o so you are lev 5...
7~8:[Ogres]: not because i am level 5
8~8:[DrMr]: then why
9~8:[Ogres]: you choose
10~8:[DrMr]: me? why me?
11~8:[Ogres]: i love you
12~8:[DrMr]: ok you said too much...

I have to say that I lost this battle. When big ugly ogres says they love you, it can be a little bit distracting ,not to mention weird and scary.

spawns think im stupid or something? ;p

3~7:[Spawns]: super ak sa kumne dosere s griff tak ti podakujem..
4~7:[Awesomeness]: english please
5~7:[Spawns]: nekem is rossz hogy nem ertem az angolt
6~7:[Awesomeness]: english please!
7~7:[Spawns]: me no speak english

24~10:[Mercenary warriors]: 13 ghosts wak! 0 ghosts
25~10:[Strike_n_return]: no ghosts here
26~10:[Mercenary warriors]: gargoyles
27~10:[Strike_n_return]: no gargoyles either
28~10:[Mercenary warriors]: gargo, or ghost

1~19:[Skeletons]: lets kick butt
2~20:[MasterTI]: lets kick yours
3~20:[Skeletons]: get ready dark elves !
4~23:[MasterTI]: i am de
5~23:[Skeletons]: and i hate jews
6~23:[MasterTI]: O_O racist
7~23:[Skeletons]: nice^^
8~23:[MasterTI]: no not nice
Some chat with some confident mercenary archers....
1~3:[Mercenary archers]: you goin' down!
2~4:[Berserkas]: ...but i don't want to!
3~4:[Mercenary archers]: we have no chance without him anyway so it doesn't matter
4~5:[Berserkas]: without who?
5~5:[Mercenary archers]: fly to 24
6~5:[Berserkas]: ..where?
7~5:[Mercenary archers]: goblins
8~5:[Berserkas]: what goblins?
9~5:[Mercenary archers]: wait
10~5:[Berserkas]: how long?
11~5:[Mercenary archers]: ok, i'm back
12~5:[Berserkas]: ....right.
13~5:[Mercenary archers]: they r not 2gether
14~6:[Berserkas]: who?
15~6:[Mercenary archers]: okay
16~7:[Berserkas]: you're not making any sense....
17~7:[Mercenary archers]: you cant cast spells?
18~7:[Berserkas]: i can, why?
19~7:[Mercenary archers]: nah i think barbarian there hardest
20~8:[Berserkas]: actually, dark elves seem to be hard to kill. and wizards.
21~14:[Berserkas]: still think i'm going down
How to take a battle chat link for this battle?

It's funny see it:)
1~7:[Goblins]: ouch
2~10:[HeartBreakkid]: hahahah
3~10:[Goblins]: tada
4~10:[HeartBreakkid]: ha!
5~13:[HeartBreakkid]: my turn for OUCH
6~13:[Goblins]: why not in the blank
7~14:[HeartBreakkid]: no reason!
8~14:[Goblins]: if you attacked she
9~16:[HeartBreakkid]: whattttt
10~16:[Goblins]: keep it cool dude
11~17:[HeartBreakkid]: I am cool!
12~17:[Goblins]: good fight though
13~17:[HeartBreakkid]: yeah for me offcourse:)
14~17:[Goblins]: my nightelf has +4
15~17:[HeartBreakkid]: +4 what?
16~17:[Goblins]: what?
17~18:[HeartBreakkid]: I said what!
18~18:[Goblins]: keepers
19~18:[HeartBreakkid]: oh
20~22:[HeartBreakkid]: good bye
21~22:[Goblins]: 2 more armys
22~22:[HeartBreakkid]: * 3
23~23:[HeartBreakkid]: u have 6 so 2 * 3 =6<
https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=482203790 >0:
1~7:[Goblins]: ouch
2~10:[HeartBreakkid]: hahahah
3~10:[Goblins]: tada
4~10:[HeartBreakkid]: ha!
5~13:[HeartBreakkid]: my turn for OUCH
6~13:[Goblins]: why not in the blank
7~14:[HeartBreakkid]: no reason!
8~14:[Goblins]: if you attacked she
9~16:[HeartBreakkid]: whattttt
10~16:[Goblins]: keep it cool dude
11~17:[HeartBreakkid]: I am cool!
12~17:[Goblins]: good fight though
13~17:[HeartBreakkid]: yeah for me offcourse:)
14~17:[Goblins]: my nightelf has +4
15~17:[HeartBreakkid]: +4 what?
16~17:[Goblins]: what?
17~18:[HeartBreakkid]: I said what!
18~18:[Goblins]: keepers
19~18:[HeartBreakkid]: oh
20~22:[HeartBreakkid]: good bye
21~22:[Goblins]: 2 more armys
22~22:[HeartBreakkid]: * 3
23~23:[HeartBreakkid]: u have 6 so 2 * 3 =6<
1~0:[HeartBreakkid]: hi
2~0:[HeartBreakkid]: I will burie u alive!
3~0:[thephenom]: nooooo
4~0:[thephenom]: u not have an chance
5~0:[thephenom]: I will finsh u early
6~0:[HeartBreakkid]: u will see loser
7~0:[HeartBreakkid]: u finished my warlordfchaos easily
8~0:[HeartBreakkid]: but not me!
9~0:[HeartBreakkid]: I will finish u 3 times!
10~0:[thephenom]: I can kill any one I want
11~0:[thephenom]: when am want only
12~0:[thephenom]: and I want kill u
13~1:[HeartBreakkid]: noooooou will see
14~1:[thephenom]: see
15~8:[HeartBreakkid]: see what ?
16~9:[HeartBreakkid]: I'm not blind you know!
17~9:[thephenom]: know what
18~11:[HeartBreakkid]: I'm mean I'm nto blind
19~13:[HeartBreakkid]: u fell into my trap
20~13:[HeartBreakkid]: hahahahahah
21~13:[HeartBreakkid]: Follish mortal
22~27:[thephenom]: hehehe
23~27:[HeartBreakkid]: no
24~27:[HeartBreakkid]: don't do that
25~27:[thephenom]: am coming to ur skeltal
26~32:[HeartBreakkid]: come
27~32:[HeartBreakkid]: I don't care
28~35:[thephenom]: ok , and now
29~37:[HeartBreakkid]: jsut dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
30~38:[HeartBreakkid]: just
31~39:[HeartBreakkid]: dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee
32~39:[HeartBreakkid]: play fast plz
33~63:[thephenom]: hahahha
34~63:[thephenom]: good moral
35~64:[HeartBreakkid]: what the hell
36~67:[thephenom]: :)
37~68:[thephenom]: hahahahaha
38~69:[HeartBreakkid]: shut yr mouth
39~69:[thephenom]: nooo
40~69:[HeartBreakkid]: oh better yet why don't I just shut it for you
41~69:[thephenom]: u afriad
42~73:[HeartBreakkid]: I will burie u alive!
43~74:[thephenom]: noooooo
44~74:[HeartBreakkid]: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
45~74:[HeartBreakkid]: baby
46~75:[thephenom]: bad luck
47~77:[HeartBreakkid]: u loooooooooooooooooooooooooose
48~78:[HeartBreakkid]: hahahahahahahah
49~79:[HeartBreakkid]: hahahahahahahahahahah
50~79:[HeartBreakkid]: u will never beat me
51~79:[HeartBreakkid]: I'm the $how $topper
52~80:[thephenom]: am didn't care
53~81:[HeartBreakkid]: u didin't lose for long time
54~82:[HeartBreakkid]: I bet u are crying inside
55~83:[thephenom]: yea
56~83:[HeartBreakkid]: today u lose
57~83:[HeartBreakkid]: haahhahaha
58~83:[HeartBreakkid]: yeah
59~83:[HeartBreakkid]: I'm beat level 6
60~83:[thephenom]: we will face next time
61~83:[HeartBreakkid]: okay<

that was me I beat level 6 and I was level 5 only!
good ha
Nope. you just failed on a epic level.


How many times did you click that button? 7 times. lucky fail nubmer, lol.

First of, RTFM. and the title. This topic is about the NEUTRALS. The NPC talk. not lame 1/2-year old bickering who can't even type properly.

4 reposts, 2 with the goblins and 2 with the PvP.

Nope. That's not something i would cal "good".
1~0:[Wolf Riders]: oh come on
2~0:[HeartBreakkid]: what did I do?
3~0:[Wolf Riders]: secret lets get gos
4~0:[HeartBreakkid]: huh!
5~0:[Wolf Riders]: thanks for help
6~1:[HeartBreakkid]: yr welcome
7~1:[Wolf Riders]: r u there?
8~1:[HeartBreakkid]: I will put u out of yr mersory:)
9~1:[Wolf Riders]: ogre ??
10~1:[HeartBreakkid]: I meant mesory
11~1:[Wolf Riders]: i know but he makes this room to pick on lower lvls cause he sucks
12~1:[HeartBreakkid]: he's not threre?
13~1:[Wolf Riders]: kill fk
14~2:[HeartBreakkid]: okya I iwll
15~2:[Wolf Riders]: step goasts hit minos ;)
16~3:[HeartBreakkid]: there isn't any!
17~3:[Wolf Riders]: k cool
18~4:[HeartBreakkid]: cool
19~4:[Wolf Riders]: join only one time fee of 750g
20~6:[HeartBreakkid]: I don't join any clans other than Warrior guide:)<
those were some RUDE mercenary archers...
1~3:[Mercenary archers]: im a lose
2~4:[Berserkas]: awww, don't feel bad.
3~4:[Mercenary archers]: two things.
4~5:[Berserkas]: ...yes?
5~5:[Mercenary archers]: i'm patient for my defeat ^^
6~6:[Berserkas]: and the second thing?
7~6:[Mercenary archers]: u cheap ass whore
8~6:[Berserkas]: well, that was unexpected.
9~6:[Mercenary archers]: just cover them up!
10~6:[Berserkas]: cover what up?
11~6:[Mercenary archers]: hehe no need
12~7:[Berserkas]: make up your mind already.
13~7:[Mercenary archers]: don't hit this griffins we should shoot them
14~7:[Berserkas]: what griffins? i don't see any.

Also... i guess i should keep away from chicks of my race for now.
1~2:[Elite forest keepers]: hello
2~2:[Berserkas]: hi.
3~2:[Elite forest keepers]: borg lets kill dark elf fisrt!
4~2:[Berserkas]: there are no dark elves.
5~2:[Elite forest keepers]: why i dont see anything??
6~2:[Berserkas]: great, another blind one.
7~2:[Elite forest keepers]: today you will die from the female necros
8~2:[Berserkas]: oooooh, so i shouldn't go to that brothel? thanks for the warning.
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