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AuthorYou Might Be Noob If......
If u dont know the pattern for hitting/missing ghosts

If when a ghosts has 2 misses u hit it with heroe.....
If u dont know what market does
If you complain about unfair battles or begging at people
If you mail anyone ordering him to transfer his money to your account
If you post anything in caps
If you think that I will give you 50,000 gold loan
If you think that you will get an interest on loan
If u think transfering between accounts is ok
u might me a noob if u play this game
...if bump your own topic
if you create unbalanced group battle to win
If u are a lvl 8 trying to battle lvl 7s in 1v1 group battle
If u are a lvl 8 trying to battle lvl 7s in 1v1 group battle
... if you think 1 vs 1 is called group battle =)
Its called duel for a reason my friend.
...if you cant return TGI in one month
...if you dont have ANY artifacts when renting a TGI
...if you think roulette can make you rich

...if you want to earn money with Smithing

...if you never read game rules

...if you never heard of the Warriors' Guild :D

...if you think registering multiple times to get more gold is wise

...if you don't know how to travel on the map

...if you buy Magic Powder ten times in hopes to resell it

...if you head for a job at Yellow Lake
.....if you think you can wear full arts at lvl 1-2 :)
..if you think level 1-2 cannot wear maximum arts for his level and call them full arts.
Its called duel for a reason my friend.

i meant in the group battle section ;)
...if you have smith guild like this:

Smiths' guild: 0 (0.08) +29.9
if you head for a job at Yellow Lake

you call 300+ people noobs? including Kusika who is at the lab working right now

back on topic
...if you call 300+ people, including the #2, noobs
...if you have smith guild like this:

Smiths' guild: 0 (0.08) +29.9

like u =D
everyones a noob but if u are a mod and think a thirty year ban for one person and a 5 minute for the mod is fair
...if you have smith guild like this:
Smiths' guild: 0 (0.08) +29.9

lol mine is Smiths' guild: 0 (0.90) +29.1

if you head for a job at Yellow Lake
you call 300+ people noobs? including Kusika who is at the lab working right now

Read my sentence twice and understand it first...


...if you think enchantments are not worth it

...if you think thieves have it easy in ambushes

...if you create a new character to test a new faction

...if you don't know how to get your tier 1 upgrade on recruit page

...if you create a new character to test a new faction

i make mine not to test a new F-A-C-T-I-O-N (spelled it right =D) but to play as another faction ;)

......If u dont know how to gait

...... If u think knights can get magic at lvl 3 if u have 1 knoledge( someone asked this)
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