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AuthorFirst Survival Tournament - Results
and are ridiculous..

If you had read the forum threads here enough, you would know that would about the amount you can expect to get. :)
3.9k for 5th (lv 6 wiz)

was expecting more..=.=....
for 8th level, Clark rulez! don't mind the wizards, they are supposed to be the most durable, but she won both necromancer and DE tourney for lvl8!
i wouldn't pass those bone dragons even if i played 70 times.. as you can see in results, she's far ahead of all of us.
(((20th place(((
24th for lvl4 wizzies.
5k for 3rd in lvl 3 lousy...
12k for 2nd in lvl 6 ;)
33 000 for winner in lvl 10 - DE. Ehm but 100 000 outlays for arts :(
7724 number 36 on level 6 demon list
to TK
I only receive 13k for being first place in elf
so just relax
Then Congrats to all Rank 1 - 3 for all factions and levels .. GRATZ !! :)
2236 gold from Empire : Scored among 10% highest results in the First Survival tournament among combat level 4 paticipants, faction Dark elves

5th place as an dark-elf level 4.
nice for me.
I made some mistakes and wasn't lucky enough to get more.

Luckely there was a pattern in which you should place your units.
kill the mage first and the genie quick an lightning and poison are the last thing you want to have on you rogue.
And of course make sure your rouge get's the first turn is needed.

Now to think which talant to choose as a lever 5 player.
Going for attack or magic is a hard chooise.
33 000 for winner in lvl 10 - DE. Ehm but 100 000 outlays for arts :(

Got 11 400 for 1st place lvl 11 - DE. And thats it. Btw u got more then Kusika for 3 1st places :)
...this is true
tournament is only for glory...

level 7:
800 gold to join
8980 gold for 7 combats

9780 gold payed
11919 gold earned for the 3th place

2139 gold really earned

So, empire really earn a lot of gold!

We must change the name...
... "gold for glory tournament"

Well...I don't mean to sound ungrateful about the rewards that were distributed as I am happy to have received the experience + skill points + "glory" + the challenge and all that...but I think there are some problems with how the gold was distributed within levels and between combat levels to the extent there are some gross inequalities...

I, for example, received the highest score among all participants of any race/level not named Kusika and received about 12,000 gold (which is fine in terms of the total amount I don't care so much and would have been happy with 0 gold if others with lower scores received the same)...but despite my higher score, other level 10 first place finishers among elves, DE, knights, and barbarians received about 33,000 gold compared to my 12,000 gold (the top necromancer and wizard at level 10 who also had really impressive scores were also left out of/cheated from this 20,000 gold incentive prize bonus as well). I received about the same prize as many 3rd place finishers on other levels and would have received a smaller prize than the 2nd place elf in level 10 had there been two more elves participating at level 10 (even though my score was almost 2X higher than the 2nd place elf).

The inequalities also apply to many other particpants at higher levels like marked_one alluded to above (marked_one, in fact, received a smaller award than many 3rd place finishers of lower levels).

The main problem lies in how the incentive prizes were distributed and the decision was made to "round down to zero" when there were < 10 participants within a faction. I personally find this not very logical. Statistically I and any other 1st place finisher with < 10 participants/racial level were in the top 10 percentile. If this were an academic test where the top 10% of the scores receive an "A" but there were only 7 test takers, of course the top test taker would receive the "A" and not be "dropped" from the list because 10 people did not take the test...where the professor would declare that "not enough people in the class and no one deserves an A this time."

In LordsWM, there are, of course, fewer participants in the higher levels. However, we are competing among the best players of the game/"top of the class." I feel we should not be punished/penalized for this. I apologize for this rant but just think that award distribution should have been handled more fairly.

I agree with Falayalaralfali. When I saw that a person that won a tournament where they had less than 10 players were screwed out of their incentive prize, I could not believe it. Top person in their faction is always in the top 10% no matter what.

As for saying that the top players should be paid more in prizes because they are the best in the game, I disagree. The competition is fiercer in the lower levels because there are more people, thus it is harder to win and the winner rightly deserves more money. If we look at the lvl 12 competition between Kusika and ViSao. It wasn't much of a competition. They only challenged each other in one faction (dark elf). Those that are higher level are not necessarily the best in the game, they are the one that have put more time into the game.

eektor u obviosly didnt c by how much Sutech won the tournament ( he had almost double the amount of points second DE of his lvl got ) Which along with multiple other players stating theyr main didnt win but theyr low lvl multi has won or placed among top 3 somehow washes away ur more player better competition theory. :)

Sutech is a great example that you brought up. What does it mean that he obliterated the field in the lvl 10 dark elf tournament? That meant that the other 18 dark elves weren't any competition to him perhaps if he was a lower level with more dark elves there might have been one or two that could challenge him. Or perhaps if he would have participated in lvl 11 tournament he would have beat you guys in that competition.

As for the multis winning, then you got a lot of higher lvl players sending their multis into the lower lvl tournaments which would make the competition harder.

Experience helps but strategy is what makes people win in this game. Why do people say Romer is the best elf instead of Kiaune? Well Kiaune has more experience.
First of all, winning one tournament does not automatically make you the best player of a faction, level, country etc etc. Tournaments have specific conditions/rules that may favor some people and hinder others. To make such claims that player X is the best among group Y, one has to examine a wide variety of battles, events etc... You cannot judge someone from 5 or 10 battles. Strategy is of course important but there are other things that matter also and they often play a bigger role than a good strategic move.

Lower level competitions are not really harder because there are many people there... My level 6 elf won the tournament without efk ( many competitors had efk ) and my winning try was far from perfect. People that are higher combat level are in general more serious and pay more attention to detail ( of course there are high level people that just get there by having huge amounts of time - but the vast majority has a certain amount of skill ). The reason why higher level people should get more rewards though is simply because artifacts on higher levels cost considerably more gold. A level 3 guy can have full arts for 200g /battle while a level 10 needs 1500+ g/battle. Not really fair if they both get the same reward.

But all these are minor details, the important thing is to enjoy the game for its benefits and good things and let the admins care about fixing the problems ( it's ok to point the bad things that do exist but caring so much about them essentially cancels the fun games should bring to people ). Getting 10k or 20k more gold won't really make a big difference in the long run.
First of all, winning one tournament does not automatically make you the best player of a faction, level, country etc etc

sry if i it sound like that but i agree with u for example in knight lvl 11 tourney Antos was 4th but i have no doubt he would beat all 3 competitors if it was duel type of tournament. :)

I have no doubt that Sutech would beat us all at lvl 11 even without diamond upgrade but the difference between 1st and 2nd place would have been much much closer not 50%.

Jabber explained the rest better then i did. :)
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