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What's everyone's favorite FF title? Anything with "Final Fantasy" will do. All versions.
My favorite is FF2 (or FF4 as known in Japan). Second for me is FF3 (or FF6 as known in Japan). I can't list a third, there's many FFs tied for that place. |
Sorry, I think ff10 is the online one, and I have xx12 not 10, dur dur durr, I feel dumb.
I want to play assasins creed so bad but my 360 was stolen :( but I get to look at the game and wonder...
I know that ps2 did remake the original japanese ff 1-6 in multi game packs.
Surprised noones said anything about secret of mana. Legend of many was kinda gay in my book, they had a third installation, but never heard wether or not it was good.
I also really liked radiata stories, beat it once, still got two more times to go. |
favorite, tactics all the way, part one for ps not 2 for gameboy. |
legend of mana was okay at least part 1 was.
secret of mana was great. i loved the multiplayer in that. storyline was awesome too. it kept me on my toes always wondering what was next. i usually hate all the standard easy to predict stories, but that was a great one.
Sorry about the 360.
The remakes were nothing more than ports of the original. I remember all the hype and everything pre-release about how they were going to digitally remaster them and make them 3d and what not; but in the end they didn't do anything you couldn't have done already on your own with an emulator program on your computer.
original > imitation |
I only played 3 FFs, X, X-2 and XII. XII was a disappointment :( Great graphics but the pseudo-realtime battle system was killed the game once you go after the post-game bosses.
I like RPGs from Tri-Ace now, :3 Much more challlenging ^^v |
I'm currently playing Starcraft Brood War :P |
I have PS3 n i always online at my PS3 , thats y i type slow coz no keyboard . But sometimes at laptop.
PS3 , NFS Undercover sooo bad this time.
Even NFS Underground , NFS Underground2 , NFS Carbon , etc in PS2 also better.
Huu verrrrrrrry love car like me , maybe he/she know . |
PS3 , Devil May Cry 4 also gr8 |
I love the DMC series, but haven't yet played DMC4
I'm trying to play Radiata stories, but have to finish a couple other games first lol |
Is Tales of Symphonia really that great?
Yes. Best game on the Gamecube next to SSBM, and very likely my favorite game of all time (though I can't say that for sure... lots of console gaming in my time).
Has anyone played Ikaruga? It's one of the best, yet most difficult shmups out there. |
What's everyone's favorite FF title? Anything with "Final Fantasy" will do. All versions.
tough one lol. I'd say ff7,8,10,12 and tactics (sry, couldn't decide on just one or two >.<)
Yes. Best game on the Gamecube next to SSBM, and very likely my favorite game of all time
then i'll give it a try as soon as i finish kingdom hearts |
ok, I was wrong again, so I guess ff11 is the online one. I'm so confused @.@
7 was odviously cloud, 8 was the guy with the gunblade,leon? 9 was the monkey hero and 10 was the really cool one I started so many times yet never got to finish for one reason or another.
I got some old school titles from nes and super that I loved back in the day,
Dragon Warrior (aka Dragon Quest now for ps) I beat 1-3 and 8
Wizardry, never beat I think I had part 5
Ogre tactics, played it loved it lost it
and finally Ultima Exodus and Ultima Avatar (totally rocked in its day)
I heard Ultima is the base for final fantasy. Enix made Ultima then the group broke off to make squaresoft and many years later came together again to make SquareEnix. |
10 was the really cool one I started so many times yet never got to finish for one reason or me too. I've played ff10 atleast 4 times and haven't been able to complete for one reason or another (wanna start again lol)
I tried to play Dragon Warrior long ago, but couldn't (CD prob)
is it good? |
well when I played it, it was the 8-bit nes, not the computer version, at least I think it was pc. Unless you are talking bout dragon quest, which is dragon warrior, then yeah, part 8 was great. If you liked Breathe of Fire, another one of my favorites, number three was the best, then you should love dragon quest 8. Beautiful graphics, fun story, fun to play, its all there.
And you best believe when I reaquire ff10 its gonna get done this time :) I hope :P |
hot shots golf is pretty fun |
tommorow I go to a friends house to see who is king of guitar heroes |
i wish i had a ps3 :(
i have a ps1 and 2 |
i wish i had a ps3 :(
i have a ps1 and 2
welcome to the club, buddy Y.Y |
nah i do prefer ps2 |
I never buy a system as soon as it comes out. I usually wait till its cheaper, better (no bugs or kinks in the system) and a good library. |