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FACT: when vs poisoners split ur sprites and use their spell 2 heal poison
for Sven91:
1 point in Kn won't hurt - a well-timed bless is a very nice thing, as is haste.
As for troops - sprites are especially good against slow mobs, like zombies, but they can be useful in many different hunts. I'd say that for PvM sprites are generaly more preferable then fks.
41 ++

Also useful when playing other elves, destroy their stoneskin spells!
+41, 43
And against genies - they throw plenty of nasty spells.
Elves only initiative+morale+luck+eliteFK+max attack points= victory :)
and what about the talents?
Basic Luck, Rain of Arrows or Basic Nature Magic (then i can revive ^_^)
Go for luck. And you can't raise dead until lvl 8, so... :)
it was here...
Nature Magic -> raise dead...
for Sven91:
Raise dead is a 2nd circle apell, you can't cast it until you build Magic Guild level 2, and you can only build it on 8th lvl.
So... Basic Nature Magic level 1 is only Magic Punch
But i already have magic punch....

So what "new spells" would i get if I do basic Nature Magic ?
You don't get new spells, rather your old ones become stronger.
Any1 have any tactic for a LV6 elf on thief ambush? like settlement and stuff it'll b a big help for most elf
+52 can any1 reply please? but now with LV7
for Syther:

Hard to be an elf thief without efks. But try max sprites and bows, then druids and fks. Maybe split sprites in half? If you're fighting a caravan of wisards, demons or de it's a good idea to split bows too, and put them around battlefield. For the rest - bows in the corner, covered by druid box.

Maybe try leadership+rally as perks? Or attack+batle fury (v. good for sprites)

Not quite sure about anything of the above, since I have no first-hand expirience, but, well, you asked for advice :)
I did plenty of hunts and merc quests as an Elf and I think that Syther should go Sprites all the way.

You may first maximize your sprite, then go for fk. I would suggest either using leadership+rally or advanced luck, then you'll have 42sprites+33fk or 36sprites+27fk respectively. (I myself did my TG2 with the former choice) The rest should be 15 bowmen and 9 druids.

Split your sprites into two stacks and using them to destroy the "wall" of enemy, using your fk to kill the most powerful stacks and split your druid into 3 stacks to protect the bowmen at one corner. Oh, don't forget to use them cast stone skin on two stacks of sprites and the fk in the very first round.

Wearing almost full arts, you should be able to finish TG2 in 8-14 days.
why sprites? and not fk? and can give me a link? it'll b a great help if u can
why sprites?

becaouse of no-retail, broad atack, high ini, speed and flying. And great numbers(esp w.Rally)
With Rally you have better numbers in FKs; especially after building the Fort. However certain hunts require full ranged units and faster melee, so sprites are good there.

A good elf requires adaptive recruiting. This is mostly because their strongest unit is restricted to range and has low defense.

Also worth noting are large stacks of Druids. A stack of 12 Druids will last for quite a long time; and after all their shots are used they become formidable melee attackers.

At level 6, a good recruit for "Escort" mercenary missions would be 21 Sprites, 22 FK, 4 bows and 9 Druids. At level 7, 31 Sprites, 31 FK, 6 bows and 12 Druids. In both instances keep the Druids stacked. The bows can remain stacked as bait or split to protect druids and take retal. The numbers are slightly larger with Rally.
another tip for elves against armys (from the mercernary quest)
there you have 3 tries
For example to the army of dark elves
first you set favoured enemy to rogues / shrews
Then you kill all of them, and if you still survived kill some other units :P
then on the second round change the favoured enemy to poisoners or something
then kill all the poisoners
and then change favoured enemy to minotauros and kill all of them =)
Its really easy if you do it like that !
Just beat army of dark elves {0} without artefacts in 3 tries =)
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