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AuthorDonation! Thoughts?
About the thieves guild (and I hope it's ok to diverge from the main topc briefly) :

Why is it 80 diamonds?
When you click the invite, it states it costs only 50 gold, of course there's nowhere to actually purchase the invitation, but still !
Donation is not so bad. I am join thieves guild, for example.

Well I guess that there is no easy area hopping atm. I saw you already had one point for the thieves guild, so we all must be on our guard when we go to another area, Uliss the thief is waiting in the bush :)
About the thieves guild (and I hope it's ok to diverge from the main topc briefly) :

Why is it 80 diamonds?
When you click the invite, it states it costs only 50 gold, of course there's nowhere to actually purchase the invitation, but still !

That is just a price that is set by the administrators of the game I guess. The invitation is 50 gold, but when there are no invitations in the game it's also not possible to buy 1 for 50 gold. When it would be the guild would lose it's exclusivity.

The only thing you can get the invitation atm is by buying 80 diamonds or get/buy an invitation from someone that is a thief and got an extra invitation.
[Post deleted by moderator Skunder // dear creators. you financially saved the game by fuc**** it up]
[Player banned by moderator Skunder until 2008-07-13 08:14:11 // foul language on a forum *ing is not a loophole to this rule]
Well I guess that there is no easy area hopping atm. I saw you already had one point for the thieves guild, so we all must be on our guard when we go to another area, Uliss the thief is waiting in the bush :)

I have been read about thief guild but still a litle confuse.

thief can attack people who walk to other area, right? and if the thief win he battle what he got? and the victim will be lost any gold or something?
When I discovered this game, I was hooked - to the point of asking how I could financially contribute.

Now, I have an awful feeling. I liked this game, no doubt, but diamonds just ruined it. By giving battle advantages to paying players, administrators just killed the balance. Paying players will win easily any Player Vs Player battle they are involved in, take the best spots in the Top Hunter list, and so on.

It's sad because there were real solution to have people contribute financially while preserving game balance. Getting XP or gold faster, Thieve Guild's invitation, special icons and colors for player names, special subscriptions... While letting all people a fair chance of winning a PvP battle against a free player, the point of utmost importance.

I'm rich enough to pay for Diamonds, no matter how expensive. I already paid hundreds of dollars for other online games, to improve gaming experience or to support a team of enthusiasts. But here, I won't. Buying diamonds would contribute to break further the frail game balance. And since others will do, there's no point continue playing anyway.

People, don't waste time complaining; admins don't listen. They just implement what they already developed on the .ru server and that's it.

"Free To Play, Pay To Win" is the new motto. But not for me.


Use the old, prooved methode of .ru

Write in battle description "no upgrades" or so. It works, trust me. The guys, who pay money do not want to get.....ehm.... punished after the first turn of the battle, so they won't join.

There always will be less "donating" players.
If players from the russian server would like to vcomment on how this has changed the game there that would be gretly appreciated.

My only thought at the moment is that there will only be a handful of players wishing to be the best at the top etc and they will be the ones competing with the other paying players to do this, thus giving a decent amount of money to this game. If a player who pays money does not get any great advantage over someone who does not pay they wouldn't do it.

And as for the free lunch/paying lunch comment made earlier I believe that the free lunch eaters will sit at one table while the paying lunches will have their own table.
and think that almost no one will buy upgradet units because after some days in every description will be "be bought units" or so, and i think no one wants to have this upgradet one if no one fight against them ^^ and after 2 lefvels they can buy them for gold
ˆ1.61 for 0.78 diamond.

hey that diamond is broken!! By the way, were you not claiming 1ˆ= 1 diamond?

in reality ~2ˆ=1diamond.

i sign kotrin, he is completely right.

Pay to win
I ve never fought they do it here two! i mean not daimonds but early building, it is evel thing! by this they will push of non-donating-players. at last taurament on .ru server thous hu had early upgrdes take all the first plases in it, ofcourse it is bad and for thous hu buy it - no one wonna fight thit them, remember "no arts" and "no elfs"? now will be "no ups" more oftain then that! also it means disbalans, thous hu has better ups will rull now, wizards and dark elves take first place in it! i am realy disapointed, and u can fink of this game as not free enymore, non hard work will help u to cach whit thous whit ups =(((
Hmm take out the earlier building and i would be happy with this (after all you can buy the buildings with the gold too) it damages the game-balance if a lvl 3 player gets more powerfull then a lvl 4 player
I want to edit my last comment^^
10 and more Euro for just building something some levels earlier is so expensive that most people will not do it but it helps the game if some people do it cause it is so expensive (more money for more features)
its bad - who have money - they have power and army.

Those who have brain and hands growing from the right place (and of course a good connection) have power.

No amount of diamonds will help a noob =)
1) good tactics can deal with those who did upgrades earlier...
2) there are games that u CANNOT play without real money..so what admins done is not such bad...
3) invintation is so expensive cause thieves guild gives really cool bonuses, like +1 initiative per level and cool thieve arts , also on 2 and 4 guild level u can get the invintation and sell it for really big money...+ experience , skill points and little amount of money that thieve gets after he wins battle
I'm not too worried about diamond players. The only real beef I have with the entire idea is being able to upgrade levels earlier. Other than that, I don't really care if someone uses diamonds to upgrade, rather than gather up all the gold resources. For the most part, the players who will be using diamonds will be people who don't devote much time to the game anyways, so they will be on par(perhaps a little below, what with the faction points and all) with players who spent time building up the resources to get the exact same benefits. I'm not going to judge someone because they decided to cough up some money to get some cool benefits. I don't need them, and the game is fun as it is for me.

And if the stronger units are so much of a bother for you, just set up some "No upgrades" matches.
No amount of diamonds will help a noob =)

1) good tactics can deal with those who did upgrades earlier

Yes they won't help a noob, but what if the other player is close to your skill level? There is only so much good tactics can do, and you are assuming that the other player you are playing against is not using good tactics. If both players use good tactics, then the player with the upgraded army is going to win most of the time.

Hunting license, thieves guild for diamonds is good. But buying upgrades earlier in my opinion is gamebreaking. I would rather they could buy combat levels and/or faction levels then getting better troops for the respective levels.

And that's where "no upgrade"/"no2nd upgrade"/"no 3rd upgrade" comes in. =)

That said, early 1st upgrade doesn't seem to be too balance upseting, to me at least, but 2nd and 3rd...
Still, there's not much (read: nothing) that could be done about this, so we'll just have to wait and see how things turn out.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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