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AuthorAll about Wizard faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Gremlin wreckers' undermine ability can be useful. I just chucked out a contest grounds battle to see what might happen. - https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=620600537

The best thing from that is that the AI magic DE continues to cast lightning on my lodestones and replenishing them. I wonder if they will do the same in survilurgs? ;)

Interesting new class, probably be altered somewhat in the coming days/weeks, but look forward to getting to know it.
I would love to see some CG battles that battle wizards have done... Post them if you come across any.

Cg battle I just did. I had hoped that stepping on a magical mine would slow enemy units down or stop their attack like it did in the insight tourney. That is not the case. When they step on the mine they still get full movement and attack afterwords.
It was a bug in the Insight Tourney which Arctic mentioned would remain like that and would be fixed after the Tourney.
stepping on a magical mine would slow enemy units down or stop their attack
If that were incorporated then alt wiz would have too much firepower (which it already has). But yeah it was a bug where it also has the effects of tribal traps.

Here's my first attempt with battlewise wiz in CG. Tried a hybrid build, mostly might-based, with some dominion of tempest for stun, worked rather well, the battle was very close :) The new alt has a huge potential, we just have to figure out best builds yet
The talent wheel gives many new interesting possibilities. I wonder what is better on high levels: chaos + sorcery or chaos + morale and empathy
Since there's no official announcements yet, here's a link from an official fan site of the game that will probably provide us with all the relevant info we need about the new Wizard alt class, Battlewise Wizards.

Cheers Jedi, the calculator is handy.
Since many have asked, here's a tool to calculate the bonus Attack and Initiative

impressive damage done by new wiz...
almost close to steppe


MH set..
MH set..

Yes,even if you lower the damages by 30% and all,still very high damage per turn comparing to normal wiz and some other factions like knight
^^and that 19 sp for only 1 knowledge was a waste.. If those points were in attack...
get screenshots of battlewise wizard recruiting, I would bet all my gold that they r gettin nerferd in next mini balance.
for rutiger:
looking at some battles I don't see them overpowered over other factions.. but perhaps when somebody will find an op recruit + talent combo which admins didn't foresee, they may be nerfed..
This new alt wiz is AMAZING for thiefs, just a tip.

When doing solo's and you face a wizard caravan, you have 90% chance to win, AI will simply cast lightning on Golem, killing 7 but healing 14..

In double ambush aswell, these Immortals with rapid + fervor + onset are the most deadly creature's I've EVER seen. Not even the slow invokers with rune 9 get close to what these dude's can do with 5 luck..
Dont think so, that battlewise wizard is so op. Of course, 40 genies, 10 sphynx, etc is nice to have, but he already needs it, without miniarts.

Number of gargoyles is not so big and they are targeted soon = die fast (still not much people use them).

Have 100+ golems is immpresive. They are awesome against chaos caster, but might builds still can kill them without bigger problem, because they are slow and with low initative.

Gremlins are nice, in big number and high initative, but they are targeted soon too and die pretty fast.

Dont forget, that battlewise wizard does have only chaos spells, so cant support his units much, except lower enemy defense with fire.

I would say, that battlewise wizard is equal with "classic" wizard. For pve i would probably still tak&#233; classic wizard, for pvp is probably battlewise better.

He maybe looks op now, but people dont have much experience fight against him, it matters too. I think, that any balance will comes, but i hope, that not much.
any suggestions for a level 10 classic wiz in mixed tourney ?
@399 use 'dominion of fire'
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