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- which one is better, upgrading to sprites or building magic guild?

both ofcourse, but magic guild without mana is useless
and about talents, which one i better pick?
is rain of arrow a talent i have to choose compared to basic fortune?

tx again.
RoA is very good for many hunts... such as creatures with low hp and hunts involving many stacks of creatures (like Merc Raids). Though basic fortune is a free luck point and can come in handy for when you don't have a favoured enemy on the map :)
Hi, am approaching merc guild level 2 and was wondering where to put the extra skill point.

I have sp 1 knowledge 1. Should I get another sp or another kn or forget magic and put it in attack?

put it on attack, and the point that you reach level 8, put that on knowledge
Hmm, I don't know. Knowledge at 7 can be good too. An extra two casting of Rapid or Bless can save a game (usually rapid though).

At level 8 I had 30 mana, and next Merc level I'm putting a point into spell power. At level 10 I will be putting another in mana. 2 sp and 4 knowledge will be very nice for phantoms and raising; as well as dispersion. All of those are expensive spells that can really turn the tables.

Watch out the tactics vs 44 horses/36 succis:

Same tactics work very well vs other high-tier packs.
What are the merc quests that are doable by level 5?
Raids: Numerous stacks of __Foo__ are attacking. Go defeat them.

Armies: Army of __Faction__ are attacking. You have {3 or 5} attempts to deal with them.

Invaders: __Faction__-Invaders are attacking. You have one attempt.

Vanguards: __Foo__ are under attack by a Vanguard of __Faction__. Protect the __Foo__. You have one attempt. These are generally easier than Invader missions; but can become very tough over time. If __Foo__ dies than you lose.

Try to stay clear of Monster missions and most Escort missions until level 6 or 7.
for Bholden2no1:

Like ipslne said, but I don't recommend trying Vanguard of necromancers either. You definitely don't want to face 12 stacks of apparations as a level 5 elf :)

I'm a level 5 elf, but I already think to the future of my character.

When I'll reach level 8, I can choose only two between following buildings (three buildings if I choose 2, 3 and 4, and don't build Arena of Keepers):

1. Arena of Keepers (to have Elite Forest Keepers)
2. Magic Guild 2 (to have Raise Death spell)
3. Fort (to have 25% more troops)
4. Unicorn Glade (to have Unicorns)

What's your suggestion? What buildings are better? Which advantage is more useful?

You'll need all of them :) Don't worry, you'll be able to afford them. The biggest problem though is that your Laborer's Guild is still 0. You really need to get that up. 0 is really low for a level 5. Work on that as much as you can... it will be very important later.
What are your thoughts on talent builds for theif ambushes for a lvl 9 elf.
Expert fortune and basic defense or Basic leadership and rally and basic fortune?
The latter, Rally and Basic Fortune along with full arts are best. I have experimented with Basic Defense and +2 hp. That theoretically gives you more health than Rally... but not more units and therefore less attack. You can make up for that with Basic Offense, but you will lose the +1 Luck.

Essentially, full arts with Rally and Basic Fortune is your best bet :)
In thiev guild i used Rally+basic fortune winning almost all batles in full,now i use combo basic ofens+batlfury+basic fortune with my enchantins weapons units deals too much damage ;o,this build gives me near 14 wins to 1 lose in 2 thiev guild lvl.
Ofcourse my army for both builds are 27(33) sprites 48(56) efk 15(19) elfs 8 druds and 7 horses.
is using magic spell with 2 sp in lvl 5 powerful enough?
or put the points in attack?
put the points into atack elf not mage ^^ you always need some knowleje at high lvls for use helpfull spells.
hi guys any advice for a lvl 7 elf ?
what formation , talent and arts ?
I don't understand how can lvl 3 elfs make so much points in the survival tournament (about 2000+). Are then using dimonds? do they have sprites and this makes the difference?
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