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for Cellovek:try use th's http://qrator.heroeswm.ru/
about the possible merge: is there any thread in .ru forum about it? are they discussing it at all?
some new amulets there i checked today are amulet of battle amulet of something else(dont remember) and the map is samll not like ours because of the places there there some 10 around places u can move to there
I only notice now, but maybe they have it for a long time already;
if you go to a battlechat, e.g. http://www.heroeswm.ru/battlechat.php?warid=1
there are a couple of new things
th's guy now have 12lvl tg guild!he's 1st on server
When were the dwarfs introduced?




(Sphynx question)
okay, nevermind, I was missing 2 answers at the end... I got 4.8 Faction points
another very large pile of text when i log in ....
The second AI blindfold tournament started.
I saw an elf (human player) won a combat with nature build (http://www.heroeswm.ru/war.php?lt=-1&warid=362394729)
1st art ranger giuld
th's guy it's have
It's the only ranger art since that player is the only one who reach RG4.

It seems that in the second AI blindfold tournament human players are first targeted.
Why was he blocked . . . ?

Why was he blocked . . . ?


for Io-AKA-oI:

check his combat log and you will find a clue
I saw an elf (human player) won a combat with nature build (http://www.heroeswm.ru/war.php?lt=-1&warid=362394729)

nature build elf is the standard build for high level elf in such blindfold tournament...
Why was he blocked . . . ?
The person is simply tired from game and has left during an actual life but it will return)
Why was he blocked . . . ?

08-01-12 12:23:The player was fined by 500,000 gold. / / Contractual fighting for the keys. including against cartoon vas_daj [5]. repeated relapse
did TG change on ru?
can someone tell me more please? exp ratio for win loss and exp for tg level
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