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Does the new DE racial seem a little weak? Having taken away what makes them unique, they become quite similar to wizards in pvp. Wizards with racial 10 however, get to choose any 3 perks out of things like +11% ini, +6att/def, +5hp, +2 speed, regardless whether min AP or full. Yet a racial 10 DE only gets around +3 or 4 def in min arts, +8 def in full arts?
Does the new DE racial seem a little weak?

I think they did it to balance the upcoming level 5 spells. Piercing magic would be too strong for a high level DE with implosion.

Other changes:
-Army balancing [I lost 1 bear :(]
-Antimagic spell is now stronger
-It's no longer possible to remove the 'blind' effect by using magic (e.g. anchorites cast earthen spikes to remove blind from allied troops.)
-The chance for demon's hellfire talent to trigger has been changed from 30% to 30%+2%*demon faction level.
chance doesnt matter, hellfire is still a terrible talent ^^
Wow . . . some serious glitches. But hey, never the less, new Racial Ability of DE seems good enough.
I think I like the old one better, but I will have to wait to try it out and see. I thought I liked the old barbarian one too but ended up liking the new one better
If you don't play barb of course you like their talent :D
for Skuwak:
Yes min arts are stronger than the dark elf racial. but you can not compare it like this - because it is already included in the balance.

@All who wonder if it is a good or bad change for DE:

i am chaos wiz. I thought it would be easy to kill a chaos DE now (since he cannot pierce through garg+djinn sultans magic shields. )
but i was wrong, its still very challenging.
the reason why is complex and requires some tactical knowledge. on higher levels you have so many stacks of troops, that you cannot avoid getting hit by meteor shower badly. so you have to spread out. and then that already forces you to attack him, while trying to block his lizard. a good part of the fight is melee - and the additional defense balances the loss of piercing. he STILL needs only 2 150% damage lightnings to kill 20 djinn sultans. and 21 gargs die from a magic arrow (lightning killed few more, like 26 i guess)
CONCLUSION: Overal balanced change regarding this chaos vs chaos setup (wiz vs de)

But starting to think of group battles, well...
DE were already among the BEST fractions in the 2vs2 tourney. the best teams were
1. knight + chaos DE
2. Necro + chaos DE

now in these fights, and most other fights were melee units try to kill a chaos DE, chaos DE has been significantly pimped! the lack of piercing does not matter much in such fights, since most enemies dont have natural resistances! but the fighting ones all get -6 attack! That is a permanent advanced darkness magic weaken!! Every blow a bit weaker.. in situations when the chaos DE died in the past, now will be 5-10 ladons left in the same situation.

frankly chaos de will ONLY benefit from the changes in duels against fractions like barb, who dont have any resistances against magic whatsoever. chaos DE vs barb was balanced before. now de has additional 6 def.. What do you expect? i think its the death of this balance .

but i am confident admins will balance eveerything in the long run.

sad that hellfire still sucks ;( admins should make some kind of chaos demon valueable! It would bring more variety into demon life.
Do you know if you already have faction levels, the DE bonus is still added?

Like: I'm faction 7 wiz, and faction 8 DE. With 15 SP, and KN that is 30*18%=540%. (This probably means 5 levels)

So, when I'm fighting a Wizard hero when being a DE, will I get (7+5)*3=36% or simply 21% faction resistance?
it should depend only on your DE faction level of course. not wiz. but i am cofused by these formulas:)

What are these?

It was just a part of a war that .ru just had. It's over now. You had to break and collect crystals in a battle and you could choose extra ally troops (horses, griffins, etc) depending on the number of crystals that you collected.
Does the new DE racial seem a little weak? Having taken away what makes them unique, they become quite similar to wizards in pvp. Wizards with racial 10 however, get to choose any 3 perks out of things like +11% ini, +6att/def, +5hp, +2 speed, regardless whether min AP or full. Yet a racial 10 DE only gets around +3 or 4 def in min arts, +8 def in full arts?

If I'm not wrong, mini arts offer no protection against magic only against melee. DE ability is all comprehensive.
Also lately they did introduce many piercing arts for CL13+ so DE ability was less and less useful.

Also the new ability is still useful even if the enemy doesn't have any magic protection (as useless for non magic DE)

It depends on my Dark Elf level, for sure. But if I already have 21% faction resist, for I'm a fsl 7 wizard, then the DE racial gives less faction resist for the conditions written above. The question is, if the racial bonus is added?
When stealing holy spells as dwarf, does it steals it before the dwarven attack? After it but before retal? After retal?
After it but before retal
Ok, thanks. How sad you can't steal chast or bless before you hit the ennemy :p
interesting question didnt know that. so if a unbuffed dwarf bear attacks a stoneskin-swordsmen with the buff stealing rune - the swordsman will get the additional defense while being hit, and the bear will have it already when the swordsman retaliates?
for Wurmtog:
To the best of our knowledge, yes. Best when target is knocked back too, you hit, you steal, no retal.
Recent changes changed dwarf to (i think racial 11 and 12), but i can't figure out what that means (google translation : Now the 11th Gnome gives the additional ability to fleece berserkerstva, 12th Gnome skill rune gives additional energy; ).
here comes the Santa:

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