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The situation is that English and Russian information comes out at different times. As such there is a disadvantage should the com community wait for news. As such many kind fellows will regularly post the Google translated info from. Ru. It is recognised that this is not official, however a familiar first start. This will ever come before a translation so there is prudence in not deviating from this if not essential
for Omar Contreras:
I see now that this was a mistake on my part to try to be transparent about this. Next people will demand that we explain every word that we use.

The actual mistake, if anything is that you used the same word "rare" but in your case it is actually rarer than what the russians call "rare".

If in future you translate something that determines the scale of things (such as rarity) then there has to be a standard. If 1 ml from Europe represented a volume that is believed to be 0.5 ml in America.. well, that is problematic and i guess you see what i mean ;)
Just got LG2, the rare (or is it uncommon now?) reward stack is worth about 10k points.

I was lucky enough to get shrews :)
You mean LeG1 not 2?
84 Magogs for LG1
Just got LG2, the rare (or is it uncommon now?) reward stack is worth about 10k points.

How puzzling. You haven't gotten any troop reward since LG 1. That last reward you got (before LG1) was worth 16K points, but it was a common creatures (wolf riders).

I don't know what criteria admins use to classify these creatures. One assumption is:

Common: tier 1 an 2
Uncommon: tier 3 and 4
Rare: tier 5 and 6
Epic: tier 7

By that assumption, then shrews would be common.

Another assumption is they're classified by power rating or leadership value (e.g. common is anything with leadership value of, say, 150 or less). In that case shrews are probably uncommon, since individually they are as powerful as, if not more powerful than, many tier-3 creatures. What is their leadership value?
You mean LeG1 not 2?

Yes my bad forgot that we start from zero

I don't know what criteria admins use to classify these creatures. One assumption is:

I would assume that T1 and T2 upgrades are always rare/uncommon/whatever we call the 1st upgrade level. My guess is that very rare, heroic and epic will have different background than the rare/uncommon units to differentiate between them, maybe more black or maybe red or something
84 Magogs for LG1

I was lucky enough to get shrews :)

Can you resurect it? Is it stronger than common in reguards to leadership cost?
What is doing the only-one-not-translated button at the bottom, just below the three rows of the challenges?
You lose one of your challenges but the battles a re-rolled.
My guess is that very rare, heroic and epic will have different background than the rare/uncommon units to differentiate between them, maybe more black or maybe red or something

I think you are right. If you look at karlikleg (one of the people in top 100) then you can see he has beserkers which have a blue background. As such indicating light grey as common, dark grey as uncommon, blue as I presume rare. As yet unknown what colour epic shall be

Few blues too
It's interesting that apparitions are blue, whereas a whole bunch of tier-4 units (brawlers, magi, shamans, succubi) are not. Even as upgraded units, all of these tier-4 units are more powerful than apparitions. If the colors hold true, then neither of my theories is correct regarding how they classify.

If anyone can see a pattern, please share.
So far I see:

Common: All un-upgraded tier 1 and tier 2
Uncommon: All upgraded tier 1 and tier 2, plus un-upgraded tier 3 and tier 4
Rare: All upgraded tier 3 and tier 4, plus ???
Dreadbanes are blue, see https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=45977

So I think rare will also be upgraded tier 5 and 6, with epic perhaps being all other options remaining
Dreadbanes are un-upgraded tier 6 though, which fits the pattern.

Rare: All upgraded tier 3 and tier 4, plus un-upgraded tier 5 and tier 6
Epic: Everything else?
How many tier 1 creatures are there? I have 21 right now. I want to know how many more I should expect, because new ones are still coming :)))

Can you resurect it? Is it stronger than common in reguards to leadership cost?

Yes they can be resurrected, not really big difference in leadership cost / strength but slighly better I think
Just thinking about the future influence... With 200% bonus we get 500-600 golds per battle. We can play up to 8 battles per day. It means cca 4000-5000 golds per day. It's almost the same income for me as for Labourers guild.
What do I mean? This will lead to a huge inflation of market prices...
What do I mean? This will lead to a huge inflation of market prices...

@meshy delete this post, or else admins would get an idea on increasing the prices :P
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