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AuthorThrone battle
oops heres link https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=484651514
I fought masterTI:P
I need help I paid 500g and waited and waited and im not doing anyting!!!
Next application admission term is from 02:30 till 02:40

try to join at that time with NO arts equiped
I payed before that and I had no arts
Most Epic Battle In Throne Battle
woah 1 health nice
Battle count: 10 (6) Points: 4
i won agains knights, babarians, elfs , wizards and i he made DARK ELF'S PROUD !
For wizards.

If you come up against a knight, best thing you may be able to do is Split up your Senior Genies and get them to cast their Holy magic on your Genies. That way if you can get chastise, rapid and stone skin, You should be able to hit and take some decent damage. But having said that, Don't waste all your Senior Genie's casting power on your regular Genies. Cripple the Clerics as well :)

As for every other opponent.. Good luck... Tough battle. As a wizard, I won once against a Knight and then lost 5 times in a row -.- haha :p
i won agains demon now

right, i kept stunning the landons until i killed it but didnt kill hydra... sad
I cannot participate :( it'll be 7:++ when it starts and I am busy that time
Hey this question might have been asked already..

If I change factions for this tournament do I have to do all the building upgrades to participate?
Yay! I got confused there, but I will participate!
for Warwick-the-wiz:
Only if you change to Dark Elf due to some minimum army limitation for dark elf.
lost my first game ((
Next application is 9:30 to 9:40
Battle count: 10 (9) Points: 7
yipee one more battle and i can't battle no more

Great lol


Equipment limitations: Unarmed
Troops are not organized or not sufficient. Recruit troops at the character page.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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