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Author[Repair] 90% repair for 120% cost --- Max Smith by binghuo
===== MAX repair =====
Repair efficiency: 90% (Best in game)
non-clanmate: 120% of repair cost (minimum 1200 gold per art)
#381: 110% (min 1100g)
#136: 100%

How to do?
1. find the repair fee here
2. transfer it to me, note "repair fee for ?"
3. transfer your art with recall in: 0.01 days, 0 combats and "Allow repairing", 1 gold only.

Want your arts repaired faster?
10% more for express
20% more for SUPER-EXPRESS
#279 get free upgrade in repair speed
And plz send me a pm with title "Express"
Discount for clans:
#136 Dragon Heroes get 20% discount
#381 Dragon Alliance get 10% discount
#279 get free upgrade in repair speed
For the Step-to-step instruction by picture, plz check my album here:
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