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As in - for hunts? There are more useful talents than tactic for elf in pvm
lol, i prefer have 2 luck then 1 extra turn of attack in the whole game ^_^
Well, if you're fighting Zombies you may as well get max sprites and Battle Fury. That'll do wonders, on top of the Melee bonuses. More worthwhile than getting a first hit.

As it is, Tactics is really something elf doesn't need. Shebali is right, there are better alternatives. Maybe when it comes down to that or something like Soldier's Luck; which is just as situational (only works with GMB).
I thought it was cool and used it in a merc quest vs army of necros. As they are slow it worked.

But I agree there are others out there that seem pretty good too, and I will be testing them shortly!
Honestly the best at level 7 are +2 Luck or Rally. At 8 you should be fine with +3 Luck... and 9 is very situational. Battle Fury is good with Sprites; and Expert Holy Magic with Mass Rapid or SS is very effective vs. other Elves. Other than that there will always be Rally AND +1 Luck; +3 Luck and RoA (good for some Merc Missions); or 10% Defense, +2 Health, and +10% Offense (I found this very nice with an Amulet of Luck and full arts for early TG Caravans).

Many possibilities for level 9; but the most consistent so far is Rally and +1 Luck.
how many knowledge shud i put to my lvl 5 elf??
1 kn is fine for lvl 5
thnx.now,i dun have to put another knowledge to my char.thnx again
so now im 8
but im still a bit confused
if you fight a caravan, then they got all those little stacks of 4-5 creatures around it
But my efk always go first, so they cant do any serious damage
So they remove 3 stack of the edge, then sprites come and attack 2 of the stacks inside, and one of the edge
Then unicorns, they can also attack a stack inside
But then the problem, then all the enemy ranged units turn comes, like last caravan, against knights, he had 200 crossbowmen inside it, so they shoot, kill 33 of my efk with 1 shot .... >.>
thats why there is a wait button. I think EFK will move again if archers whats inside. archers have much lower init than EFK. so let sprites open the way for EFK
for Sven91:

If this is a problem for you, you can try using Master hunter ring(s) of flight.
Those will raise the initiative of your sprites. But I don't know if it would be enough or not.

By the way, my sprites sometimes get their first turn before my EFKs. Rarely, but sometimes it happens.

You need initiative based arts. Also, be sure to recruit around 16 bowmen. They will be good bait while your EFK wait for their next turn. Yes, when the Caravan has many ranged units it is likely the most you can cover is 3 (two by sprites, one by by Unicorn). No worries though, usually the uncovered units will shoot at your bowmen; this is especially useful vs. Succubi and Mistresses because the ones you are covering will gate instead of shoot... giving you a nice opening to kill them next turn.
i mean this fight
what could i have done different to protect my EFK ?
or here...
38 hell horses, that gate

Nothing can beat that.....
its an exception
only caravan with shrews and hell horses who has 16 init unit
look here
its almost the same caravan of knight as the one i encountered before
but now my sprites get before my efk

see, its a lot easier now
https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=7385604[Full] [Chat]

Rally would have done you well here. The luck was nice, but more health means you last longer ultimately. Also, more initiative. Just two Rings of Impetuosity would have been great.


Check out this caravan. Very similar: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=475264434&lt=-1

True, I am level 9... but there is a very little difference between 9 and 8, and the above win was by a decent margin. Note the set up and having Rally. Also, Initiative was 18.~ rather than 16.~ on my Efk. Rings of Impetuosity and Shoes of Aspiration will do wonders for you at level 8; as well as a Pendant of Despair. At 9 go for Mithril items that include initiative.

I will admit though, I have lost to hell horses more than anything else in Caravans. They are very difficult and I acknowledge that I received Luck at the perfect moments. At level 8, for your luck, it may be better to have a MH amulet instead of the Pendant of Despair. Or you could even negate your morale with Rally and a Ring of Doubts.

Either way that is very tough, but still not worth taking your FE off of Devils.
can anyone help me??i am lvl 5 elf and i do mercenary quest sometime but i never win.i dun have sprite too.can anyone give me link of a combat elf lvl 5 no sprites vs mercenary monster or tip to fight in mercenary quest??
Monster quests ar too difficult for lvl 5 - esp. if you don't have sprites. Just ignore those for now. Do vanguards of wiz/knight, some armies.. Just because MG is availiable on lvl 5 doesn't mean youll be able to do all quests.
need answers, pls:

- i'm at lvl 5, with 5 att, 0 at others. where should i put next point?
- which one is better, upgrading to sprites or building magic guild?

tx 4 the answer.
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