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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy

1. Use crossbow to take retal on grotesque instead of attacking magi.

2. Avoid giants as long as possible. Use cavalry to focus on titans instead.

3. Attack with monk's shot, then move.

4. Take advantage of guardian's large shield. Put your crossbow next to it.

5. Consider splitting your griffins or cavalry so you can quickly attack the magi groups.

6. When you were chasing down the titan, you should have been going for the giant. The giant was coming anyway, whereas the titan was only killing 2-3 sword per turn.

7. When you get down to the last part of the game, move so the enemy units block each other. You let the giants get some pretty good shots on you when you could have evaded them by moving to the other side of the gargoyles/golems.

8. When you got the giant down to 1 unit, you killed it, which opened up a spot for a bigger group to move in and attack you. If you had focused on gargoyles at this point, you might have had a shot. Again, it's leaving some creature groups alive so they block the tougher groups.

9. When you are surrounded, as a last ditch, use defend to gain a defense bonus.
to Farty_Pants:

no way you can win in your level, i really doubt that in my level too.
you really played good. just skip and do easy/do-able quests.
next time, drop the advance offense and cold blade.

get rally or adv defense to work with it :)

Thought about it for awhile. Not level 13 yet so can't say all the way, but what talent shortage I see as a level 12 that will be remedied by 13 is being able to have 2 attack talents after selecting expert holy and 1 mass spell.

It will be nice to switch between archery, cold blade, etc., without disrupting expert holy mass spells.

you should read some previous post. i had mention on that. knight in level 12 is suffer more than ever while level 13 will be better

i need help, how to win here?
Maybe you should try a might build.
I've dueled her before as well.
Here is a link to a fight that I won against her.
I went with a hybrid offense and "beef" build with both vitality and rally.

Sorry for double post, but my first level 14 CG duel didn't quite go as I expected :(


I know I made a lot of mistakes in this fight, but can someone give me some pointers as to how to come away with a "W" next time?
for Javi:
u posted the same link twice there^^
Sorry! I meant this one for the embarrassing CG loss:

sry for double post, but i just the fight, n there r some differences.

Javi has got clerics while eddy doesnt. And also, SonMike has used different build in those fights, against eddy with mass disrupt
I also faced her with the mass disrupt build and lost badly so I can't be of much help there.

1) setup: split up 2 small stacks of guards 3-5 each so enemy hero can't kill them fast
2) place at least one of those near your shooter and let it stay there
3) cast stoneskin before chastice
4) begin positioning your troops for attack while staying in 4x4 casting area with your shooters
5) maybe ignore skeletons bows since damage to hp ratio of them is quite bad for you
(especially after casting evasion non shooter stack should get higher priority - I would either kill liches in order to give your griffs a good landing position after dive on bows or envoys. They are a major melee unit which won't leech life compared to vamps and which you are sure to hit.
6) last shot of monks against bows was not necessary you could either stand next to them and att appas or simply att them in melee.
7) generally after all stacks were killed and only vamps remained you did not have to follow them just stand in the corner and wait for them and use your hero to att you had ~3000hp compared to his 1000.
thanks guys, ill try.

hey Javi, you won with clerics :P
i dont have :(
for eddyimmanuel:
i have fought nekr n i have come up with strategy
u can kill 'em with both might as well as mage built
Vampires are the one to be killed the dive bomb must be on vamps..
the rest troops must have 25% range proof...from guards
the damage can range from 300-600 i.e 10-20 vamps
after griff fly cav must try to get vamps in range but the settlement must be
guards must be near cav & this is for sure that there will be obstacles like 2 appa & some deth but the purpose is just to lock vamps and cav can kill any creature tht he want
monks must kill vamps too ... & cross must be split so that it can killthe ones who retail(2appa) ur hero must have knowledge 20 n talents must be fully offensive or the fervor(i'l choose offense though .. & u'l beat the necro :)
to beat a nekr with mage is even easier...
first evasion after that all attacking spells that u have...
don't use stone...
u must have more cross n monks
& the prime target must be vamps
& u just need to stand and attack that's enough (i need to try this though)
wait fro them to attack... stone ur troops at that time.. n just stay still
they come in the range of guards
u know what to do rest.. so give it a try :)
hope i helped
Dark magician can easily win a knight.

Mass confusion and delay makes the archers and defensive units nearly useless. 2 or 3 Mass D.ray spells lead us to death in no time.

Might Knight : The chances with defensive built is close to ZERO. Morale may be a good idea. But I still doubt the possibility of a Win.

Holy Knight : Can counter the delay with haste and cleanse the confusion. But D.ray can prove lethal as 2 Dray can nullify the effect of ur stone-skin. I think the chances are only 40% here.

Can someone point out the possibility of a Dark Knight against a dark magician ? I dont have much exp as a dark knight.
hunt assist result in a very bad xp/fsp
looks like i'l hv to stop it :(
do i have any other alt??
do CG and MG.
good fsp
lvl 11 holy knight strong & weak against which factions in pvp ??
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