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AuthorBanned forum game.
banned ishan for being level level 13 :|
banned for being jelly
Banned for being close to LG 5!
Banned for having Lodestone Golems ! ;)
banned for being level 3 :P
Banned for being Tamilam !!!! :P :D

banned for spelling mistake :P
Banned for remarking my spelling mistake :) :P
Banned for having a "space" character on your name :P
Banned for having a "X" in yours :)
Banned because I said so. ( ._.)
Banned because you said so :p
Banned because you said I said so. xD
Banned for being hard all the time
Banned for being a lit!
Banned for non-sence username
banned for many reasons:-
1. Your name is pretty elf and your clan logo is like an ugly ghost.
2. You do not know the spelling of sense
3. You called my username non-sense when it actually has sense! It means kushagra5(my old account)isback
Banned for:
1. saying my spelling is wrong, couse i wasnt on clear mind last night :D
2. being rude to meh.. ;(
Banned for using listing
banned for wasting time
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