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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
O.o I have to pay 100k
Already wasted it for elf castle :P
there is no values for zeroes ! =P
heya !
cod is getting in the way of lords lol
O.o I have to pay 100k
Already wasted it for elf castle :P

I wasted the damn thing on knight castle...blaarghhhh
Sing it we will ,we will rock you!!!
what are you talking about
we will rock you more! so let's rock!!!
Flooders Unite! F.U.! :[
for filowarrior:
goku is having an idea of militarization of #702
he said all flooders to give CL*10000 gold as help !
LoL !

F.U.C.K = Flooders United from Clan Kings and queens
that's too much for me..im not as rich
Army of Elves {6}

F.U.C.K = Flooders united called Kings!
elves pwned me ! =(
i am a creep..KILL ME
man im bored..tell me if i should flood or get back to crossfire..:(
hmmmm...wanna think !
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