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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
thanks anony i think u all are right :)
13 landed after 31 ! $.$
Reputation: 7
status: You've taught a lesson to these pitiful creatures, and they won't forget it soon. Here's your reward.

You receive 116 gold, Ice crystal

Sorry, the Guild has no quests for you right now. Come back in 26 minutes.

A&D at 18th position :D
anyone for level 7 ??
I can play level 6 if you want :P
I am alone no one joined me :\
In last few seconds a Knight joined...
2 vs 2 !
lost :\
i can play 8 and 9
anyone for level 7 ??

I am:)
for tribal_pride:
he is talking about cloud attack level 7 ! -.-
Really people keep so funny names ! rofl xD

Knight (1)NecromancerWizard (4)ElfBarbarianDark elfDemonDwarfTribal
Knight (1)NecromancerWizard (4)ElfBarbarianDark elfDemonDwarfTribal

I didn't got it O_o
I didn't got it O_o
I think he saying that for being a knight, priorities for getting resistance are:
(1)Necromancer Wizard
(4)Elf Barbarian Darkelf Demon Dwarf Tribal
I think he meant about 'Creature armaments'.. isnt it? :P
yeah.. that makes more sense

I got 1 for imps and one for cavedemons :)
i got 3 for knights and 1 for demons -.-
for Tri-Force:
bingo! give you a Gxy kiss xD
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