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AuthorWorld Cup 2010 (South Africa)
this year world a lot of surprises
Congratz Netherlands
soooooo dirty! ghana should have won!
jah sad that ghana lost, but i knew if it went to penalties they would lose :(. uruguay played dirty and the ref was blind to it
insane games...best world cup in terms of entertainment value for me. Refs this year...wow...where did they find them? -_-
start germany v.s argentinia now :D
1 for germany wow gogo
Goal germany 2:0
sorry for double post but 3:0

in ur dream loser
4 : 0 lol
really we make fun of those brats
wow....what happened to Argentina tonight? >.<
^^ Gratz to germany but it's not even real Argentina :( Hope Spain can face those panzers and made something interesting ;)
btw messi could not do anything in the match because he was ordering KFC

you mean Messi is ordering KFC(his teammate) ?

Holland <3
I just got some information >:)

World Cup has a magic number : 3964
Brazil won the WC in 1994, they won in 1970 too. Sum it: 1994+1970=3964
Argentina won the WC in 1986, they won in 1978 too. Sum it: 1986+1978=3964
Germany won the WC in 1990, they won in 1974 too. Sum it: 1974+1990=3964
Brazil won the WC in 2002, they won in 1962 too. Sum it: 1962+2002=3964

So, you're wondering who will be the champion this year? You just need to reduce the magic number with 2010.
3964 minus 2010 equals 1954...
In 1954 , Germany won the WC!

How is that? Is it just a coincidence? Or the WC winner have been predetermined by some shady organization from behind? xD
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