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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
O mg never saw that -.-

I don't want ban !_!
Alrighty kid, we will not ban you but as a punishment, no elements for next 50 quests :p
Delete post 31629 :D
First I don't play much MG and if I get such a punishment then better get a ban for a.day :P
50 quests no elements. It's too much!
I'll hate mg if no drop xD
I'll hate mg if no drop xD
True story :/
And u give me such a punishment <.<
Shame on u -,-
Starting MG with alt, lets see how good an elf lv5 is for MG
Go for consp , army of wizard , and some raids
Accepted the wrong raid ;_;
raid of antichrists .__.
Lol .__.
That would hell of fun @.@
Omg. U will die xD
The enemies have slaughtered a couple of villages and devastated the fields. Thank your fate for being safe and sound...
Lol xD
GN guys
Its 12:00
I suppose I'm alone
Let's study :D
8 hours to go -,-..

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