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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
I leave it up to u
U may become.my secretary :p
man , anyone saw modi ?
that guy gained my respect _/\_
Well I better study ...
Detective is not my piece of cake -.-

Congrats mouse or Mr. Holmes :o
Modi..nope :/
Hoping that he does something for our country
my sixth sense says he just might :D
Reached lvl 7 in 18 days:)
for tribal_pride:

Well done!
Hmm.. mr detective. I'm male right? :D
Detective is busy I suppose o.o
Male asking a male whether he is a male o.O
sound weird o.o
Weird o.O
In search of tgi at lower price @.@
Like max 539k and sell at higher price in market $.$
Yea. Male asking a male... sound weird xD

No worth Invest on tgi. High cost and risky. Better invest on other lower cost art @@
So many arts don't know which one to go for -,-
status: Victory! her Majesty commanded to thank you... materially.

You receive 69 gold, Viper venom
I sold a lot grace boots recently.
Earn some $$ :)
Ohh those
I sell mithril mail armour and earn around 50 gold $.$
Yea. Male asking a male...
or a female asking a male.. I'll report soon

No worth Invest on tgi. High cost and risky. Better invest on other lower cost art @@
Lyranthoscope had a good profit this way
No worth Invest on tgi. High cost and risky. Better invest on other lower cost art @@
im kinda short on time and cant scroll to check who wrote this
but whoever did, pls do us a favor, pls quit.
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