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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
yay ! barb fsp 3 ! :D
GM ! :)
Phew, I started roulette yesterday.. Lost all gold in it then did tavern :p Lost 100k in it in 1 day :p Then had 5k last and wanted to quit :p I bet on 12 and I got 180k :p Now stopped roulette and tavern forever :D Happy with what I have :p
hmm ! :D
Participated in 2 vs 2 QT !

1st Round - Opponent DU Shrews - Won ! :D
2nd Round - Opponent DU Wolf Raiders - Won ! :D
3rd Round - Enchanted opponent and normal - Won ! :D
Finals again DU opponent efks - Won ! :D

Hell yeah so good I am ! :D :D
Great !
omg 3 tribal cyclops

6 luck decreasing cyclops 500 tribal goblins and 250 invaders in army of tribals(3)
wow got 4 moonstones in a row after 10 battles without any elements)
meteorite shards sorry*

Moonstones .. reading that line surprised me ! O.O
was just about to play roulette but no >.<
Roulette is evil !
thats what i am saying to u since we started our friendship -.-
I will never talk to you if you play roulette again. Think about this line whenever you are losing the control on yourself.
I will never talk to you if you play roulette again.
That's sounds kinda too kiddish and whatnot

I burnt Optimus so much that he simply cannot afford to talk to me again

Gangsta style :p
I play roulette because i lose in tavern :P

And i cant control tavern !
but still tavern is much better !
See for tavern you can not blame yourself ! :(
In tavern i can do nothing ! :\
If i got bad cards and opponent got good
But in roulette at least even if i lose i can blame myself.
See for tavern you can not blame yourself ! :(
In tavern i can do nothing ! :\
If i got bad cards and opponent got good
But in roulette at least even if i lose i can blame myself.

I am pretty sure that is copied from some1's personal description and trust me, you got it all wrong -.-
You can blame yourself for losing in tavern but In roulette, there is nothing yo can do
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