Author | Its That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0] |
Enrolled :D |
Woot !! |
for Anony-mouse:
It work. Read this. |
Oh nice |
for Ur_End_Is_Here:
Gratz lol |
come on man , our clan needs us ! :I |
O.o |
all slots filled , while i was en route |
That happens regularly
So I don't feel like I ain't contributing to my clan as slots get filled :D |
okay guys , GN !
got a scolding from mom :( |
Gn |
Woot !!
Forgot to enroll -_- |
And enrolled :D
I suppose m going mad -.- |
Alone :o |
Eating ice cream ^^ |
O.o |
Coz of studies I suppose m going mad -.- |
Or m I mad from beginning only o.O |
But how come o.o |
Better I stop talking to myself -_- |