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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
And going to defend clan facility too -.-
And you gonna get your TGI soon ! :D
I wasted 4k on QT's and 16k on tavern :\

total 20k wasted ! :O :(
Never play card tourney , you need to be even more lucky then roulette to win it.

You need 80% luck and 20% tactics to win a Ct while Qt are 100% luck based . I have stopped taking part in ct and advises you the same . Play tavern with 0 gold bets and you'll be fine :)
Money on qt is not a waste since it gives good exp/fsp ratio at low levels
I dint knew that :O
then i would play a lot QT's :P

specially more of 1vs1
2494xp for 3.47 skill points .. this is an example i took from a QT match ! :)

Is that good ? :)

And yeah i think i should play tavern with 0 bets :)

And yeah necro is also a cool faction :)
for Optimus Prime-:

Ask arcanide , he can answer every question you got for qt(maybe)
I will better post in Q&H ! :)
2494xp for 3.47

It's very good . 750exp/fsp , we get like 9k exp/4 or 5 fsp on level 12 Cg , not a bad ratio at all.
Du partner ! damn ! :\
Even with enchants ;(
What can u expect in QT @.@
And I c some1 has started to like necro :o
yep :P

its awesome ! :)

I think i can make it my main
but those infected zombies are damn bad :\
for Optimus Prime-:
one can have fSL 6 in one faction if one plays properly.. by end of lv6
You wont
Whatever but I will decide my main maybe from level 8

till that i am building resistance in all factions...
for Anony-mouse:
What you mean ?
I should not build resistance now ? :O
Lol u got 1 fsp of each faction
That won't be called resistance building -.-
Get resistance like 3-4
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