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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
not everyone can do 15 enrolls per day like you o.O
got a great hunter armor in hunt :D
1 step closer to get your TGI :P
The member must be a member of Angels & Demons MC for at least 3 months.

Dbest joined A&D less then 3 months >.<
i aint askin 4 help mate !
Ok. I always respect those work hard by themselves.
Good luck to u!
I will play a QT ! :D
yaar , help me get a TGI :P
after this
i aint askin 4 help mate !
Trust me Dbest, you will soon get tired ot TG as a wizard
:P , talkin about help from clan !
but think will need it . haha :)
you will soon get tired ot TG as a wizard
why ?? Oo
I was sure.. i always lose 3vs3 QT.
But tried my luck :P
you will soon get tired of TG as a wizard

Not at all . wizard is one of the best faction to do tg in min ap
wont be able to defend facility :)
getting late late for tuition
Hmm.. wiz are good for TG.
at least better then knight :)
Wiz need mana recovery and kill slowly. My wiz lv6 and use middle ap to kill caravan, still managed to win. But low faction lv for knight = not possible to win 90+% of caravans using middle ap.
= =
for Dbest:
Ops, for the wrong person xD
agreed at ayush20 xD
Mr Holmes is wrong ! :P
Yay! feels better. Going for a mango shake
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