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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
post 20778 Will be deleated and banned -.-

I got the same message.. Forwarded it to secretary and arctic , 1 copy for kd too
That should have been sent to insults or Arctic better -.-
Forwarded it to insultsand arctic

typed secretary instead of insults -.-
I have also forwarded to arctic.
i hop KD won't have an angry Ex girlfriend :xD
Some1 knows how to increase probability of being ambushed by another player?
or someone who banged by KD's hammer recently.
Hmm.. kd ex girlfriendss, interesting :P
Lol xD
Or mayb current girlfriend want kd accompany her more often?
it takes how many days to transferr leadership of a clan
the question is why are you in a clan with both account o.O
(1.15741e-5) Days.
(1.15741e-5) Days.
Accurate to 21 decimal places :p
Elfmoon very much interested in KDs gf O.o
the more u know ;)
anony, not the best deal with the sword, imo :X
our depo's price for 40% SoM is 450g
yours is around ~550g after consistent repairs...
or...u can use it for the initial 27 combats (330g/battle) and get rid of it as 1/29 at a good price
the question is why are you in a clan with both account o.O
which 2?
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