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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
u talkin about moonstones ?
i hardly get a witch bloom ! :(
Mercenaries' guild: 0 (0) +50 <- I don't think he has had that many Moonstones.
U talking about witch bloom
I don't get both :P
I get potatoes -.-
Mercenaries' guild: 0 (0) +50 <- I don't think he has had that many Moonstones.

lol :P

You talking about potatoes? I hardly ever get them, I get :beer:
I get ice-cream and mango :D
I get cold chilled water :D
Taking part in 1Vs1 Qt
EPL follower :p

like madrid a bit, only cuz it was once managed by mourinho
Bored again ^^
Bored again ^^
same here !
I'll watch it only together with friends. If I watch it alone, I will turn off my tv/pc and go sleep :P
Mercenaries' guild: 7 (2911) +89

1 step closerto MG8 :')
Great !!
for Dbest:
Well u can play QT
It does give good exp/fsp ratio

hmm average lv17 got 20k fsp, need 5k fsp to reach lv17 average o.o
Nice :)
You are back to your work "nice" ?? o.O

not work
*word :P
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