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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
the only disadvantage on dark built was it depend on the opponents you face.

how is that? i cant understand which type of enemy will give a disadvantage to dark magic...

if enemy is might built, delay, weakness r good
if enemy has good range damage then confusion
if enemy is magic built then disrupt ray is good
Problem is that you cannot afford all the mass delay talents unless you go full dark build but than your offense suffers (I'm talking about DE now, don't know how much difference is there with knight). But Just for fun, I think I will try one mixed battle with full dark magic build later and see the results...
DArk magic with knight has some flaws... As compared to holy magic...

Dark magic talent costs 8 TP, whereas holy magic talent does 7...

for Farty_Pants:
if enemy is might built then Stoneskin's good
if enemy has good range damage then Evasion's good
if enemy is magic built then Chastise is good

Dark's costly, you may not be able to get Expert Darkness Magic without sacrificing other talents!
for speed_dragon:
u dont understand why i wrote that...i was asking Pang which type of enemy would give disadvantage to u if ur dark magic built
how is that? i cant understand which type of enemy will give a disadvantage to dark magic...

if enemy is might built, delay, weakness r good
if enemy has good range damage then confusion
if enemy is magic built then disrupt ray is good

correct, manti had explain that

Problem is that you cannot afford all the mass talents unless you go full dark build

in gb, it will be mixture of might and magic in your opponents team. so, in most case, you will pick only 1 mass dark talent.

it is hard to decide which mass talent you gonna get as a hybrid built unless you go with full dark built.

anyway, mass dis or mass delay are good enough in most case.
Ok now I am lv 5 knight and added 1 point on knowlegde and i am the type of person who want to kill fast and not to do magic.So it will be better if i add attack all the way untill lv8 or...( cuz i just noticed the magic is not bad:) )
Oh... Okay..
But magic would be difficult.. Gargs are elemental, won't get poisened, same with golems; they're mechanical, got magic shield... And Some other creature are trouble too.

Wizard zap's you, and you won't get much protection because you didn't have Resistance and Barrier... Before your troops reach disrupted one's, they're already dead!
for sPaLdinGz:
i am the type of person who want to kill fast

Want to kill? Bless might help! Want to be fast? Rapid would be good!

Want to kill fast? Then have some magic... Though at your level, because you can't have many talents, you can do both!
1 knowledge is good enough, and won't give much bonus, but will give an edge over the opponents...!
additional on my previous post. i accidentally click the post button.

unlike dark built, holy built is quite solid in casting.

for holy built, taking mass rapid talent + other might talent you are good to go with that in most cases. why? simple, mass rapid is always good.

it is almost a grantee that mass rapid is 1 of the top most frequent used among all holy spells. you also get mass chastise with mass rapid. hence, it increase your damage output in term of deliver higher damage (chastise) + strike more frequent (rapid).

a better point to reinforce is even your teammate doesnt need great understanding on your tactic. all you have to do is rapid his troops and allow him kill opponents faster.

as for dark built, you need to know how to make good use with the dom talent combo since they cost more mana and your teammate should understand your tactic as well.

let's say i confuse the enemy stack, your teammate should attack it even retal still not taken. but, in fact, most players hardly notice the confusion effect and pass its turn WHEN there is a chance for him to attack.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
cuz i just noticed the magic is not bad:)

it never been worse before.

it had been there for so long. BUT, the problem is not much knight wanna use it last time. we still have alot knight against on magic built now ;)
i agree with you pang in certain things for sure:)

to Farty_Pants:

i encountered problems when used dark magic, mainly
1) if opponents have magic resistance, dark spells effective will be reduced
2) dark spells are quite useless against NECRO and WIZ factions also
to sPaLdinGz:

1 to manna without a spell power is pretty much useless.

better go for attack or defence, choose after level 8.
you have plenty of option from there.

what speed_dragon suggested is not wrong, but without spell power and talents, it wont be much effective:)
dear friends can u give me an advice how to beat a wizard with gr8 spell power because he always makes the garg run away and kill me with his magic

moreover can u tell me what should be my recruiting in third mixed tournament i mean more of what cross or swords or give me the best recruting according to u!!!!
wiz has always been our bane :) prolly the hardest one to kill cuz of our slow guards/swords...u can hope that u get a lucky strike on the gargs n bring all the magic resistance that u can
after u get transportation spell it becomes easier to kill the gargs :)
for lord287:
Basic Defense > Barrier
Cape of wind

Would give you nice protection...
I'd go for maximum swordsmen instead of xbow, though.
speaking of defense talent, i plan to change to that type as well.
i fight 3 battles and each time i face with high lvl player and offense talent just cant help me.
each time i face with high lvl player

combat level or faction level?

if its a combat level and fighting with min arts? you will lose

if its a fsp level and fighting with min arts? you will lose

unless he plays bad or your too lucky :p

i haven tired defensive talents yet... i think expert defense = to expert offense (not sure)
the enemy i face in 3 fight are all high level in both combat level and faction lvl.
take example of my last fight, i fight a lvl 11 knight with faction lvl 8.
i cant deal heavy damage to him since he have 24%resistance to my attack.
high lvl player mean better art with special effect(increase/reduce damage/magic proof) and more talent.
quality is hard to beat with quantity.

for defense talent, most wizard use lightning and i think barrier is the best to counter them.
Yeah, barrier, and if you can afford, i.e. CL allows, You can have the Basic Fortune > Resistance too!
It'd give you I guess total of 36% resistance, with Barrier and Resistance talents, both!
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