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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
For begging in personal mails u got block >.<
Well, probaly now admins read the letters and takeing actions, so it means much players will be blocked today. All who asked for BOW as well. Or some one was werry pist off about this >.>
Who did you send the mail to? ..That person might have forwarded it to the admin
idk :\
Mostlikley, he aws warned, he got gold penaltys many time for same thing, now he gor blocked. Some people may sent it to admins
Great !!
Same thing repeating again and again -.-
And go everyone i have to handle 100 posts
everyone scolding me. :'(
lol, im not happy or giggling that u got blocked, its sad thing.
But, in real..
Dont repeat same mistakes as u did.

ehh.. allways its sad when block good lvl player, and frend. but now u can start it all better. :P
1 minute of silence for OP :P
May his account RIP @.@
I was all so happy !
I will reach level 11 :(

And most important my loans.. :(

those people ;(
1 minute of silence for OP :P
wasnt minute, oly few seconds :D
Funniest thing ! :D

see battle ended at 13.18

and i was blocked at 13.11
U got paid for ur mistake
Now grow up and move on
Make a better account so that people will admire u like people admire Jedi @.@
Isnt this account good :)
U got paid for ur mistake
Now grow up and move on
Make a better account so that people will admire u like people admire Jedi @.@

So agree with it
It means no roulette
NO loans
no all that crap
Just play :P enjoy game :P

Reporn new OP more better more Enchanted. :D
Better than that
I have all castles except necro and knight and wizard

and have upgrade as hobgobs
My previous main was also like ur account
Had big loss in roulette never had gold in it and in the end got blocked for no reason
I didn't cry but took this multi which was more worse than main and made it into something I feel proud about now :D
. Damn... I keep losing these 4vs4 battles :(
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