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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
i gues we winn :P i mean , I win :P
.. prettyelf is going to reach lvl 11 before i reach lvl 12
no, defenetly lost -.- damn trapers urs -.-
you have won -.-
no, we winn after all :D hahahah :D
.. prettyelf is going to reach lvl 11 before i reach lvl 12
doubt that -.-
Yeah ! :\
Auto battles are devil ! :\
they dont play fair..

normally.. AI's first target are shooter and then after hydras :\
for ElfMoon:
Sry got to study (act like m studying )
ok :P
Aww man cannot control myself
Want to auto battle in my main
Somehow controlled myself and played only 2 :D
I'm not interested auto battle, i want easy MG quest >.<
Hmm. i just want to level up today ! :D
K I'll play my last one
Then no more :P
That is say for roulette :P
*I say
I thought i lost the combat
coz opponent was fully enchanted :D

but i will win :D
i was watching elfmoon's alt
and found
Roulette bets total: 135,000
Roulette winnings total: 0

And also found it has so bad fsp/xp ratio :P
Auto battles sucs
Really !!
But death envoys rock B-)
They alone killed frontier urusary unicorn mino and half killed crusader
hmm.. my alt created before merge, of course it got bad fsp/xp ratio.
but who care? i want it lv up and get some $$ for my main :P
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