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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
^ Its clear.
his personal info -.-
wy he made new acc? -.-
I know
that came up yesterday as part of my investigations

However, making such statements amounts to accusal and i wouldn't suggest you to do it here
I have more clues than just personal info ;)
And im sure he is holyking only :/
However, making such statements amounts to accusal and i wouldn't suggest you to do it here
Whats going on???
Whatsoever , thats truth ;)
yeah finally won some gold

i was sure about that it will land 18.19.20

one of them :{
Wow ..30k :O

Great !!
huh finally feeling great ! :D

Got mount ! :D
i have 2 days holiday ! :D

I will play so much MG ! yay
stop betting again and buy some decent arts and repay some loans :p
Why do you need a mount -,-
I will reach 100k today ! o.o :P
Today m a bit busy
And I c loads of people might lvl up today (loads means 2-3 )
So wishing them in advance
Congrats :)
Autobattles will be available tomorrow as well !
Who said :\
no Russian announcement does not says so
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