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asnwer for both battles plz...

P.S. in the 2nd 1 mistake is that i put the x-bows too near the dragon :(
can anyone see n tell me about the battles in my last 2 posts here?
i would say you didnt make big mistake on 1st log. just the forest brethren weret easy target for you.

2nd log, IMO, dont split xbow, just take 1 big stack. try to not let green dragon take 1st hit on you.

after all, you can just skip the quest and continue in future.
i cant seem to protect my x-bows in hunts...have been losing some easy hunts...
plz tell me what am i doing wrong
2nd log, IMO, dont split xbow, just take 1 big stack

Then they would have been destroyed by rangers :P
Then they would have been destroyed by rangers :P

do you really count on xbow in invader quest? you deserve to lose in case if you really did that :)

perhaps not 1 big stack but 2 equal stack, just buy some time and waste ranger turn.
Am I getting this right?
Against hunts with melee troop (no large shield): go for max xbows
Against hunts with shooters or large shield: go for max swords, not so much xbows
For Pvp might: max swords
For Pvp magic: max xbows

Just want to know for lv8
For Pvp magic: max xbows nope even then max swords is needed.
agree with sry, xbow hp is lower than sword so could be easily killed by lightning spell.
for large shield creature, sometime max xbow is better than max sword since the aimed shot totally ignored defense.(apply to large stack of enemy)
for large shield creature, sometime max xbow is better than max sword since the aimed shot totally ignored defense.(apply to large stack of enemy)

well, this only apply in certain creature and monster quest :s
lvl 7 setup and talents for hunts please
any1 try dark-knight on 13 lvl? debaffer or poisoner?

plz suggest abuild to win this type of battle...thnx
to BodySnatcher:

take max griffin, max swords, take 2 to 4 recruits to cover bowman and to take retaliation and remaining bows.

knights are quite slow, better take leadership and rally.
max guards, then xbows and monks. maybe 1 griff for protection. and try to take beside morale some luck, not holy magic. for this hunt is better (opposite from most of the hunts) to have 5 stacks as knight, barb, demon.
for Farty_Pants:
Err... Light +luck? +GH set, max guards... At least, in your try you should've put chastise instead of SS on xbows, or let them die and ss guards.. Some other mistakes also had place. And luck would be nice, I think.
ok, will try that next time...thnx guys
I could add as talents beside rally and basic leadership you should put the rest in luck and offense (with BF); and do not push forward guards to be hit hard and pray for some stuns of your guards.

well, you can try might built on rally + solider luck with max guardians setup.

with holy built, you have 2 options:

rally + expert holy OR get 2 dom of holy, mass rapid and mass bless on all your troops. troop setup can be different.

rally + expert holy can either go with max guardian or max xbow AND no griffin needed, but you can only focus cast on 1 stack. 1st cast bless on xbow, follow on bless and rapid on guardian.

2 dom troop setup should focus on max guardians, remove all griffin. mass bless and follow with mass rapid, last cast chastise on guardian.

well, consider your hunt is still low amount. you can go to dark built with mass confusion if you can get 1 more Kn for extra mana.

with this setup, you have to get max hp recruitment. get your xbow and monk on mid setup, make sure target move near enough for your 5x5 area, mass confusion and follow with mass delay. just remember that you must deliver the 1st strike if you using confusion spells. get all your griffin, monk and guardians chop them 1 by 1.
Recruitment: Max xbows; Max monks; The rest of guardians.

Settlement: Split your monks in 2 stacks and put your whole stack of guardians to shield xbows with both stacks of monks, don't forget to split guardians in 1 1 1 1.. to use them to help shielding your bows, if you are full bows, you don't need to get your guardians to attack enemy, just wait and shield your bows all the way.

I would suggest to get some knowledge, and spell power(3/3 maybe) and cast on xbows in this order: bless/Rapid/chastise, don't need for mass spells as you will only need xbows to do most of the damage, you can always try defending the monks to try to avoid they dyeing fast.

Some luck and morale is always welcome in hunts too. :)
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