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AuthorThe legend of the level!
Lol hold on dont fight
for Rockidol_007_:
After analyzing situation i would say rather than Tri-Force you are the most idiotic person . May you learn sportsmanship soon :)

Congratz Tri for LOL 9 , i shall challenge you for title later. Busy for a couple of weeks.
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-03-26 20:45:00 // FR#2.2//Offending words(warning)
I think there needs to be some rules....
1.)The Title holder must always accept challenges(The actual fight can be at a later time, but the challenge must be accepted)

2.)A fight for the title must be pre-determined, It cannot be chosen amidst a combat(To prevent what just happened)

3.)A challenger can ask for a re-match anytime, and the title holder must accept the challenge.(Except when there was someone who challenged earlier)

Failure to comply with rules will result in removal of the title.

And remember people, it's just a title.
A title dosen't define you, it must be you who defines the title!
Be sportive and let's play this game like an official tournament.
(Any who objects to these rules can state it in this forum)
A challenger can ask for a re-match anytime
a person can challenge only once in 3 days
Okay. A challenger cannot challenge again for 3 days after his defeat.
i challenge Tri-Forcce
Still no challengers for lvl 8?

LOL 12 - _WaRlOrD_
LOL 11 - elvishw
LOL 10 - z E o
LOL 09 - Tri-Force
LOL 08 - JP_Alexander
LOL 07 - Allamba
for B-A-R-B1997:
Challenge accepted. PM me whenever you are ready.
Defeated B-A-R-B1997

Ready for more challenges
I challenge warlord for the title of LOL level 12
I declare myself LOL of the level 12 as I have defeated _warlord_

battle link - www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=606982704
Sorry , above link is not clickable

Legends are made , not born .

Take it sportive when you lose , I have bitten dust too many times to dark demons :)

But , I now challenge LOL 11 - Elvishw For the title.

And @ alexander.
Your first and 3rd wishes are already rules.

The 2nd is just too tough to keep up with :)
Maybe you can make it like this - The persons who fight should Tell it here before they start their fight.
Okay guys , just to make it easier to identify..

At the starting of each page lets post all the legends that we know :)

The others who are too ignorant that they did not inform us that they were the legends are now stripped from the title :)
I admit, it would be tough. So lets go with your idea :)

And the reason why i said there can be any number of rematches(Without the 3 days gap) is because...I have yet to get a challenge, and i would hate to wait 3 days to fight again(If i did get a challenge)..
But i understand that its for my level alone..So i guess the 3 days is good.
ok i understood so now i will follow that rules and sorry all for my foolishness and so i got to know everything i challenge tri-force again for the title in min ap now ok??
i am again the lol of lvl 9 i won from tri_force
our battle:
and i am really sorry :(
i dont mind :P
defeat is defeat :P i just played for fun :) as i had 4 fsl with knight and you 7

but stay tuned! i re challenge you with my main faction ;)
ok i am ready :P
i challenge lol 10!
gimme me back my lol! :P
m sorry z E o..anytime mate!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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