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AuthorSeveral bugs

Temptress didn't get a turn while she was controlling elvens bowmans...
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
If you try to create a new lot on the market and press "post" then on the next screen it will say Verified, let"s post!, with a double " instead of '
49 facilties with ore at 180 and 1 at 182 -> average = 180.04 -> rounded to 181
7 facilities with magic powder at 2074 and 1 at 2077 -> average = 2074.375 -> rounded to 2074

first is ceiled, second is rounded down / floored.

Also these two facilities, do no longer have an owner.
go to 2 pages of the market in 2 tabs, for example:

Set the first to "direct sales only" and the second to "auctions only". You can now refresh both tabs, without having it an impact on the other tab.

Now on the tab that said "auctions only" switch the sorting method. (for example from "Time: newest" to "Price: highest first" and now refresh both tabs.

You will see that it automatically switched in both tabs to the same "direct sales only" even though you never touched the other tab.

"direct sales only" adds &art_type=&sbn=1&sau=0 to the url
"auctions only" adds &art_type=&sbn=0&sau=1
but changing the sorting order, will change it to &art_type= as if the last part of the url is cut off.

&sort=x this stays at all times in the link, where x is the sorting order ( 1 through 4), so having different sorting orders in different tabs works fine.
results screen of the blindfold tournament show "scores"

first hero gains xxx exp, x scores and x.x skill points

but i think it is better to simply call them points, which is also used in the efficiency formula;
[efficiency] = [tournament points gained] / [number of tournament combats] / 5 * 100%.

You can have a score of 5, but you can't earn 5 score. (at least that is what i understood from the english language :P)
if you hover your mouse over the button on the left bar of the chat in a battle, it will show



second thing is just a small display issue but not really a bug.
if you control double click on a creature it says clan building: defence for creatures +1 But would it not be better to show it only on the units (so not on the hero) and simply call it defence +1.
I can understand that a difference has to be made between hero and troops, since heroes damage does not increase by the extra attack and his turn wont come faster by the extra ini, but then also do not show it on the hero and only on creatures.
ps, if admins think the current way is better, turn initiative +1% also into initiative for creatures +1%
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
if you are trying to buy mercury:
and buy some, it will go to this page:
Saying you either bought some or that the item has expired already. But if you press on the back button, it will bring you back to:

since this link is technically not possible, cat=res indicates it is the resources market part, &art_type=undefined indicates it is on the artifact market part. So it goes back to wood.
I think if you press back, it should bring you to https://www.lordswm.com/auction.php?cat=res&sort=4&type=3 since that is where you came from. And in case the lot was already expired, it will be much easier to buy the next one instead of browsing to the category again.

on a side note;
I believe this "back link" is working perfectly fine for artifacts. Just not for resources.

Additionally, if you are on this page; https://www.lordswm.com/auction_buy_now.php and you press the "back" button so you are on the market page again. If you do press backspace or the "back buttom" from the browser, you will go back to the page where you bought the last item. However, if the auction is still up, and there are still more items for sale, you will buy another. Could be frustrating if someone bought a 2nd item by accident.

(you can easily test it by buying a skeleton for 1 gold. Then pressing that "back" button so you are at: https://www.lordswm.com/auction.php?cat=skeletons&sort=4&art_type=undefined and then press backspace on keyboard or back button from the browser)
@Sven91, #313
--> https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1923531&page=2#30114704 [#60]
have another problem with market (maybe it's not a bug, but a feature, ...but bad feature):

I buy wood on market, then i get a message: "Acquired: xx "Wood"" + "Back". If i click on "Back", then i will be redirected to the page will resources of all types: wood, ore, mercury,... (sorted by lowest price). It's a little bit annoying, because i would like to stay on the page with wood (only wood).


there're also lags on market - if you buy something and then click "back", you'll be able to this old lot.
--> https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1923531&page=7#30397589 [#145]
sorry, i mean this link to my post:
https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1923531&page=14#32330583 [#291]
market - auction and "buyout price":

buyout price: 999...999 (here i create a new auction)
--> http://dcdn.lordswm.com/photo-catalog/0001277/950.jpg

buyout price at "my lots": 2,147,483,647
buyout price at lot description: 922337203685 (! there is not even a comma)
--> http://dcdn.lordswm.com/photo-catalog/0001277/951.jpg

our english forum recognize urls which starts in following way: https://www.lordswm.com/... as _hyperlinks_ , BUT not links which contain:
heroeswm.ru OR dcdn.lordswm.com OR http://hwm.cdnvideo.ru/...
and some more links

the problem is the same on russian forum
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reported and known, stop reposting.]
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