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Author[News] Grand Update 2
Is this the alternative upgrade for X-Bows?


Hmmm.. No Aimed Shot. No other ability other than No range Penalty.

Is this really better than the X-Bows' Aimed Shot ability?

After all, X-Bows is X-Bows coz of its Aimed Shot ability. Take that away and... (?)

For me..Xbow still better than this one..however in hunt only..when in GB that upgraded Xbow is better than original xbow

because at GB Aimshot rarely happen..or should say never happen..so when in hunt switch back to Xbow then

I wouldn't even buy this upgrade.

Yes, Aimed Shot is rarely used in GBs, but that's coz opponents knows what it can do (it can kill ANY stack within AS range in full health), so just having them in GBs will deter opponent stacks from charging in like mad dogs.

Take that away and...

An alternative upgrade that's no where better than its predecessor, imo.
The alternative upgrades are not meant to be better, but equaly as good in a different way.

So it is dependent on the situation.

Alt. X-bow are better against other ranged units
for Arctic: RE #255, #260

There are many people who are frustrated for the lack of attention and total ignorance for this server. Since most of the good things came via you, everybody's attention turned towards your profile when all the bad things occurred (or lack of the good ones thereof). And all they could see was: Last login: April 1st, 2010!

It's been 6+ months man! You didn't even login once! Let alone updates, maintenance, C&A, etc... Not even login!

I am sure there are reasons for this, up there in the "golden trio"... I'm pretty damn sure that the reasons will not be unveiled to just any common ear, and I won't hammer the issue...

But I'm even more sure that everyone here welcomes you'r coming back, and are right behind you!

Welcome back, and hope you will stick around!

#260: The bad news is, I will not be able to do it without you.

The worse news is, We will not be able to do it without you either!
! ? :O

Look at Arctic's profile. Look at the picture where you would wear your art.

? ! :O

Can we expect new graphics.. soon?
...and also a 'magnifying glass' next to the photo album icon.
for Jedi-Knight:
ok, nvm. Old news. :p

for naviron:

Yep, just found that out too. Thanks for the link though. :)
'magnifying glass'
Like this one? :)
'magnifying glass'
Like this one? :)

All I saw was the out-of-this-world arts he's wearing.. (!) haha..
the new labor guild stats suck :(
10-21-10 20:14 chakkal2001[12] vs ElementalAli[12]
10-20-10 21:39 chakkal2001[12] vs ElementalAli[12]
i thought there is a 24h rule???
it seems to be once each date. ???
With no range penalty and maybe some lucks .. :) They can kill more .. :)
With no range penalty and maybe some lucks .. :) They can kill more .. :)

My friend, with opponents that has say, +20-30 defense, the damage (pretty sure but correct me if I'm wrong) will be lower even WITH a Luck shot.

Aimed Shot renders all defense to 0 - It's like a Luck shot every time. If with Luck, it's more like a Double Luck shot. :p
People, seriously, come on. You are boring me :-P
Nothing will happen until you give me at least one topic page of discussion.

I believe (and I daresay, require) that there are things to discuss in this thread https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1890401 concerning several very interesting occurrences in the game during this last day that for some reason have been left unnoticed/disregarded by the players.

Ok, let me hint on one of the controversies.
Quote from Malady. Blight:

"Report, dear councilmen. What has been discovered about the invasion threat of these bearded pygmy creatures."

Strangely, everyone read that, but no one gave significance to what followed.

Thutkra painted a truly painful grimace on his face. "Your Majesty, you have had a full report before, of which Your Highness has been reminded the day before yesterday during our last..."
"Which is to say," Councilman Kalirosh interrupted, discharging a heavy reprimanding glance at the barbarian, "A series of scouting expeditions let us believe the dwarves we were warned about dwell on different continent. Constant lookout is held over the Ridge of Hope and the area North from there. The Seraph Stronghold is upgraded on a regular basis to match the most recent advances of the Academy. I consider the threat level minimal."

Maybe I am otherworldly :-p but somehow that doesn't conform to this:
Lines 5, 23 and some more.

Something has been spotted in hunt. That something vanished as suddenly as it appeared and was not seen since then. Hmm..... ;-)

(there are more strange puzzles to find even in this matter, but you need to remember or re-read the old news blocks, which I do not require you to. I am not that cruel =) )
hmm..i didn,t notice those lines. i am off to seraph tears to find out more:)
nice wrote artic. :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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